If you give a welsh terrier chocolate will they die?

My dog ocasionaly grabs chocolate off the table or like finds some in the garbage. Is she gonna die?

    If you give a welsh terrier chocolate will they die?

    My dog ocasionaly grabs chocolate off the table or like finds some in the garbage. Is she gonna die?...
    General Dog Discussions : If you give a welsh terrier chocolate will they die?...

    • If you give a welsh terrier chocolate will they die?

      If you give a welsh terrier chocolate will they die? General Dog Discussions
      My dog ocasionaly grabs chocolate off the table or like finds some in the garbage. Is she gonna die?

      If you give a welsh terrier chocolate will they die?

      If you give a welsh terrier chocolate will they die? General Dog Discussions
    • If you give any dog chocolate it could die as this is very toxic. It can take a little or a lot of chocolate. Every dog is different but I deffo wouldn't give it at all.

    • Dogs are all the same species, regardless of breed. As a species, chocolate is very poisonous to them. Find a better place to keep your chocolate where she can't get it, because just a gram of chocolate is enough to kill a good sized dog.

    • Yes. Is she still alive?!? But seriously, what kind of question is that? Chocolate is toxic to dogs, as you most likely know. If she keeps eating it she may develop a strong reaction. You probably know that too. So what's the deal?Next time you eat chocolate, eat all of it or securely dispose of the left overs. Simple enough, isn't it?

    • Keep the dog out of the garbage. There are more harmful things than a small piece of chocolate. You should not leave things on the table for the dog to grab. Damage from chocolate can be cumulative. If it keeps getting into it, there will be kidney damage.

    • YES SHE CAN DIE IF YOU DON'T STOP HER!!!! Chocolate is very dangerous for dogs. Most kinds of chocolates contain theobromine which is bad for a dog's immune system. It will cause symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. So if you notice things like these, take her to the vet ASAP!!! And don't allow her to eat it again!

    • A small amount won't kill them, but it will still make them feel sick.A large amount could kill them.If your dog ate chocolate, you can take it to the vet and they will give it medicine that will make your dog throw it all up, so that they won't get sick or die.

    • All dogs are allergic to chocolate. Chocolate contains thembromine, a chemical stimulant, that together with caffeine belongs to a group of Alkaid's. Dogs are unable to metabolize this. Chocolate can cause fast heart rates, seizures, heart attacks, internal bleeding, and possibly death. Now, if they don't experience any symptoms of an allergic reactions in 20 hours, you can relax. If she eats a ton of it (more then half an ounce per pound),please call a vet or posing control center, and they will likely recommend you induce vomiting within 2 hours of the dog ingesting it, if he ate possible a pound+ within a week and you don't call a vet or a POSION control center or induce vomiting within two hours your dog may be beyond help. I'm extremely sorry if that happens.