Can dogs die eating a Chocolate Cake?

My puppy jumped on the table and ate half of a chocolate cake. I'm freakin out cuz I love her more than anything and I don't want anything bad to happen. Do all kinds of dogs die from chocolate or just certain ones? Is it even an effect at all? Because…

    Can dogs die eating a Chocolate Cake?

    My puppy jumped on the table and ate half of a chocolate cake. I'm freakin out cuz I love her more than anything and I don't want anything bad to happen. Do all kinds of dogs die from chocolate or just certain ones? Is it even an effect at all? Because…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can dogs die eating a Chocolate Cake?...

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    • Yes my mom told me along time ago that chocolate, any kind of chocolate can kill a dog im not sure about chocolate cake, it depends Nothing but three options feed him something like chickennot that greasy to help him poop it out or help burn the chocolate right out. Or you can make her drink water to wash it down or take her to the vet to get antibiotics. I have a yorkie poo so I know alot about that.Im not sure about it effects all dogs But theres a 50% she'll live or a 50% she'll die. Or she just may get real sick.For future reference always push your chairs in on your table and keep a eye on your puppy never leave chocolate on the table or a little table if you have one because all dogs can climb.P.S. dont give chocolate or regular milk to dogs either it gives them diherreaor makes them sick.

    • There's nothing you can do now that your dog has eaten the cake but the facts are that chocolate is not good for dogs. It makes them unfit and it puts strain on their blood flow. If you want to reward your dog try giving her dog chocolate (you can buy pedagree dog chocolate at the supermarket) I dont think that little bit of cake will hurt.

    • Chocolate cake won,y harm your dog at all if it was just a one off incident. Chocolate on e regular basis is a big no no as this can cause problems with diet etc..My two year old boxer likes cheese on toast now and again but only occasionally.

    • keep a sharp eye on the dog, they all differ as to how much chocolate they can tolerate. thankfully it wasnt solid chocolate. my old dog would get one hershey kiss and puke her brains out, my other dog ate half a pound of fudge and just acted like a 2 year old on half a pound of fudge. if it starts acting strangly at all, i would take it to the vet

    • take her to the vet she needs a stomach pump immediately and it is all dogs it doesn't matter what type of chocolate it is a bite of chocolate cake or a bite of solid chocolate can kill your dog but not always instantly and if she started drinking her water loads that means its bad even if she didn't she she will probably still need a stomach pump