i found scabs,bumps my dogs head and around her neck after having her groomed what can it be It has been appro?

I has been about 2 weeks since i had her groomed. She seems to be scratching even though i have given her flea/ tic medication. There are scabs at the root of the hair on skin. she is a smoothie haired mini daschund. Please help me. I am planning to…

    i found scabs,bumps my dogs head and around her neck after having her groomed what can it be It has been appro?

    I has been about 2 weeks since i had her groomed. She seems to be scratching even though i have given her flea/ tic medication. There are scabs at the root of the hair on skin. she is a smoothie haired mini daschund. Please help me. I am planning to…...
    General Dog Discussions : i found scabs,bumps my dogs head and around her neck after having her groomed what can it be It has been appro?...

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    • i found scabs,bumps my dogs head and around her neck after having her groomed what can it be It has been appro?

      i found scabs,bumps my dogs head and around her neck after having her groomed what can it be It has been appro? General Dog Discussions
      I has been about 2 weeks since i had her groomed. She seems to be scratching even though i have given her flea/ tic medication. There are scabs at the root of the hair on skin. she is a smoothie haired mini daschund. Please help me. I am planning to take her to vets tomorrow.

      i found scabs,bumps my dogs head and around her neck after having her groomed what can it be It has been appro?

      i found scabs,bumps my dogs head and around her neck after having her groomed what can it be It has been appro? General Dog Discussions
    • Aw, my dog who is a yorkshire terrier has a bump on the back of her neck and I noticed it after we got her groomed. It probably is just from them shaving her on the top of her head. Sometimes razors can cute a dog. one time the groomer split my dog's neck wide open and she still has a scar from it. You have to be careful with the groomers you use. If you are very concerned with this I would differently go to a vet. I do not think she has fleas if you give her medication and if she is an inside dog. Also the scabs can do with age if she is an older dog. If she is a younger dog than it is not normal. I had a dalmation, which died 5 years ago and she had many scabs on the top of her head. Also one thing is that your dog could maybe have an allergic reaction to the shampoo they might have used. This is all i could think it could be. I would definitely get this checked out. Also if this is from grooming I recommend the next time you get her groomed to be with your dog while she is getting groomed so you can make sure it doesn't happen again. I hope she get better and May God Bless.

    • This could be allergies related to fleas (although on medication), food, or contact with an allergen. She will need a skin scraping and some other tests in order to determine that it's not mange or something else. This is allergy season!

    • I don't know what a groomer would do to a smooth haired dachshund that would cause injury to the skin. About the only "grooming" would be a bath, cleaned ears, and clipped nails. You should contact the groomer and ask if anything was done that might result in bumps and scabs. If she is scratching, she may have caused the problem herself. Unless she has open sores, I don't see that a vet could do anything to help except give her something to stop the itching and scratching.

    • JAN LUV, mange does NOT start at the neck! it starts at the ears, paws, and moves to the head and legs, and if untreated will spread to the body.just because she was at the groomer and has a wound doesnt mean it was from the groomer, so do NOT accuse the groomer for hurting her! I AM A GROOMER AND SO IS MY FIANCE! i find that very offensive. not only am i a groomer, but im also a vet tech.she might be allergic to a spray/cologne/shampoo they used to bathe her with. its common. your vet can tell you more. but it sounds to me like an allergy. there are scabs because she is scratching so much. its the same as if you get a bug bite or a rash and keep scratching, you will eventually open the skin and bleed.your vet can give you allergy medicine to give her if it is an allergy. they will most likely give her 1 or 2 allergy shots. my cat had allergies, and the vet gave her 2 shots. i tried to find the paperwork that said what type, but i recently moved and they are in a box somewhere. I know that one of the shots was a Depo Medrol shot. i think the other one started with an "L" but i dont remember. also, Cephalexin is used to treat infection caused by bacteria, my cat is also on that.your dog might just have allergies, or she might have a bacteria in her skin. either way, ask your vet about Cephalexin and allergy shots. they will tell you if its a good idea.