What happens if your dogs eat chocolate?

I went to school, and I left my door open and I had some candy on my bed, and I guess my 2 dogs and one of them ate a Hershey's bar. Is she going to be okay? It was a mini Hersheys bar. Would she like die automatically? Or do we need to take her to the…

    What happens if your dogs eat chocolate?

    I went to school, and I left my door open and I had some candy on my bed, and I guess my 2 dogs and one of them ate a Hershey's bar. Is she going to be okay? It was a mini Hersheys bar. Would she like die automatically? Or do we need to take her to the…...
    General Dog Discussions : What happens if your dogs eat chocolate?...

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    • Chocolate is supposedly toxic to dogs, but I heard a story about a man who gave his dog chocolate on a regular basis as a treat. The dog not only lived, but seemed to thrive. It probably will depend on the dog breed as well as its immune system as to how that dog will react to the consumption of chocolate.

    • it would take almost 2 lbs of milk chocolate to make a 20lb dog sick enough to take to a vet. You may not even notice any diarrhea with the amount that was eater. What is worse though is dark chocolate or bakers chocolate. For their size, they would only need a very tiny bit before they get sick. If you see that they had eaten some, you can always squirt Peroxide down their throats to make them vomit. The peroxide will not hurt them but you should do it in the tub or sink so the mess is easier to clean.