How much excercise for A ten year old arthritic spaniel?

I got a dog out of the pound and he is going to the vet for injections for his arthritis which is one a week for a month, he loves his walks but I was wondering how much excercise and for how long as I don't want to over work his joints. I don't want…

    How much excercise for A ten year old arthritic spaniel?

    I got a dog out of the pound and he is going to the vet for injections for his arthritis which is one a week for a month, he loves his walks but I was wondering how much excercise and for how long as I don't want to over work his joints. I don't want…...
    General Dog Discussions : How much excercise for A ten year old arthritic spaniel?...

    • How much excercise for A ten year old arthritic spaniel?

      How much excercise for A ten year old arthritic spaniel? General Dog Discussions
      I got a dog out of the pound and he is going to the vet for injections for his arthritis which is one a week for a month, he loves his walks but I was wondering how much excercise and for how long as I don't want to over work his joints. I don't want him to feel boredvandvwant to keep his mind and body occupied

      How much excercise for A ten year old arthritic spaniel?

      How much excercise for A ten year old arthritic spaniel? General Dog Discussions
    • let him tell you. Exercise is great, even for him. You don't want his joints to be immobile and you definitely want to strengthen the muscle around the bone for added support! Just start out nice and slow.. walks, twice a day for short periods. then increase. If he looks too tired, stop. Don't overload him.

    • Check with the vet when you take him in. I guess it would depend on how bad his arthritis is, what joints are affected, how well he can get walk/run.You can also keep him active by giving him a Kong, teach him by playing different games like find it/hunting cheese balls thrown out in the yard/put some frisbees on the floor with a treat under 1 of them and let him use his nose to find the treat, picking things up off the floor (a glove, keys, toys etc)Water therapy is also good for arthritis but check with your vet first...

    • Don't spaniels like water? Maybe swimming in a warm pool would be good for him and would be less stress on his body. I know that might not be practical to do but who knows-might help.