How fast would it kill my dog if she ate some tylenol?

Well i came from work and found my dog had chewed thru a bottle of tylenol. it was never opened before hand. i counted thru the pills and she only ate 2. would that kill her? bout 50-60 pounds (american <a href="">bulldog</a>) shes my baby. please tell me if it will…

    How fast would it kill my dog if she ate some tylenol?

    Well i came from work and found my dog had chewed thru a bottle of tylenol. it was never opened before hand. i counted thru the pills and she only ate 2. would that kill her? bout 50-60 pounds (american <a href="">bulldog</a>) shes my baby. please tell me if it will…...
    General Dog Discussions : How fast would it kill my dog if she ate some tylenol?...

    • How fast would it kill my dog if she ate some tylenol?

      How fast would it kill my dog if she ate some tylenol? General Dog Discussions
      Well i came from work and found my dog had chewed thru a bottle of tylenol. it was never opened before hand. i counted thru the pills and she only ate 2. would that kill her? bout 50-60 pounds (american bulldog) shes my baby. please tell me if it will kill her or not.

      How fast would it kill my dog if she ate some tylenol?

      How fast would it kill my dog if she ate some tylenol? General Dog Discussions
    • I wouldn't sweat it. I WOULD watch her though, through the night. And, if your like me (which is a worry-wart/panic freak, lol) I would take her to the nearest animal hospital, or go online and find a trusted source and look it up. Like I said though, I wouldn't worry about it. She might throw it up, if all else fails.

    • According to poison control, 10 tylenol is enough to cause a normal 120 lbs person an overdose.*fixes answer after reading that it was two pills*If she only had two she should be fine.I would get something in her stomach though, to kind of dilute the medicine.Think about it like she's a 60 lbs child.I think most pills say not under 12?Most kids at the age of 12 are already 80 or 90 lbs.Keep an eye on her gums (blood loss). Overdose in humans can cause stomach bleeding.Make sure they're not pale in color.Also, press them lightly like you would a hand, and wait for blood to come back into it to turn it pink again to give you an idea of how she's doing.If it takes long, take him to a vet.Please don't treat this like normal medication like the person above.This is a pain reliever and will do a lot different damage than what her dog had.

    • i dont know if tylenol will kill her or not but my best advice to you is to call a vet or animal clinic or do some research online on harmful things to dogs. oryou can go to www. and see what comes up.Good Luck and best wishes for your puppy.

    • A 50 pound dog would need to ingest over seven 500 mg. Tylenol pills in order to show signs of toxicity. If you are sure it was only two, she should be fine.You DID learn something about your dog today! Keep all meds and potential toxins (including even vitamins) up high or locked away.

    • Keep a very good eye on her, If you are unable to get to a vet or call one I would at least give her a extra can or food tonight so her body can get rid of the pills easier. Food and will mix with the pills and give the body time to rid itself of the meds, if its just the pills then her body gets a fast "whammy" of the pills and that can cause problems, hope i explained that ok, but give her something Else to have in her belly and watch her good, she should be fine, good luck with your baby

    • Your American Bulldog will be okay. She should not have headache for a long while... just kidding.Dogs are not so sensitive to acetaminophen toxicity than cats. For the size of your dog, she may need to consume up to 7 normal 500mg Tylenol tablets to succumb to their toxicity.However, if you want to be sure, feed it with some active charcoal pills. Those that you buy for your own stomach problem. These charcoal pills will reduce the digestive absorption of Tylenol.Vitamin C can be given so as to quicken the expeling of the acetaminophen.From this point, please observe her for side effects. If she is very quiet, dull and having breathing difficulty, drooling a lot and even throwing up, send her to the vet immediately. Your vet will most probably observe the dog for swelling on the face, mouth areas and also joints of the limbs. Poisoned dog will move in an awkward manner.The serious symptoms are extreme stomachache, the eyes become yellow because of jaundice caused by liver failure. The gums and the skin will also change to a tinge of yellow. The dog may become sickly and not responding much to you.

    • Dogs and cats can't metabolise them in the same way as a human can. Their livers can't handle it. I've seen cats die from half a paracetamol tablet. your dog NEEDS to go to the vet now, there is an antidote for paracetamol, and if your dog is your baby then you owe her that.