How come my dog ate chocolate,and he was fine?

My dog ate a lot of chocolate,and he was fine.I left some valentine's chocolate(Hershey Kiss's)out.He was about 5 months old at the time. He is a rat terrier.We had to get rid of him a couple of months ago,(he did'nt die or anything) and the question…

    How come my dog ate chocolate,and he was fine?

    My dog ate a lot of chocolate,and he was fine.I left some valentine's chocolate(Hershey Kiss's)out.He was about 5 months old at the time. He is a rat terrier.We had to get rid of him a couple of months ago,(he did'nt die or anything) and the question…...
    General Dog Discussions : How come my dog ate chocolate,and he was fine?...

    • How come my dog ate chocolate,and he was fine?

      How come my dog ate chocolate,and he was fine? General Dog Discussions
      My dog ate a lot of chocolate,and he was fine.I left some valentine's chocolate(Hershey Kiss's)out.He was about 5 months old at the time. He is a rat terrier.We had to get rid of him a couple of months ago,(he did'nt die or anything) and the question just came to mind.Is it because he's immune to chocolate?Are some breeds immune,or was it just him?about half a bag of milk chocolate,he was a about 5-10 lbs

      How come my dog ate chocolate,and he was fine?

      How come my dog ate chocolate,and he was fine? General Dog Discussions
    • The good news is that it takes, on average, a fairly large amount of theobromine, the toxic stuff in chocolate that is dangerous to dogs, to cause a toxic reaction. It all has to do with how much your dog weighs and how much chocolate he eats. Also, it depends on the chocolate concentration, or how much actual chocolate he's eating. Hershey's kisses aren't really high quality, rich chocolate, so I'm guessing he didn't have enough to get sick .

    • He was not immune to the chocolate, you just got lucky. Chocolate will cause your dog's kidneys to shut down, then they die of uric poisoning and shock. It is poison to them. Hope your dog got a good home.Kathy G.

    • It depends on the individual dog, the amount it ate, and what kind of chocolate. The general rule of thumb is, the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is. Milk chocolate is not as dangerous as dark chocolate, as it doesn't have as much theobromine in it. Theobromine is the element of chocolate that is poisonous to dogs. Baking chocolate is the highest in theobromine.

    • It depends on the amount he ate and the type. Hershey's kisses come in different types. Had it not been milk chocolate, but dark chocolate and without nuts, just the chocolate, it could have been fatal. The darker the chocolate, the more potentially lethal, Baker's Chocolate being the most lethal for any breed.I had a German Shepherd dog that stole a full bag of Miniature chocolate bars off a table, still in the big bag. She ate them, wrappers and all. I thought she would die and called the Vet who said to watch her, but since she was 125 lbs he didn't think anything would happen to her except possibly a bit of diarrhea. She didn't even get that. He also said he would be worried if it was BAKER'S CHOCOLATE. Since chocolate has theobromine in it, which is toxic to dogs, it's better not to give them any chocolate.A friend's dog died last Christmas. It was a Maltese that got on her table and ate about 8 or so wrapped dark chocolate candies. Toxicity from the theo. in the chocolate was the cause of death.

    • he didnt get sick because hershey kisses r milk chocolate. milk chocolate has the least amount of theobromine. theobromine is a stimulant that affects the heart and nervous system. how much chocolate did he eat because obviously he didnt eat very much because he didnt get sick. if he eats baker's chocolate then he would have gotten very sick because it contains high amounts of theobromine. it all depends on how much he eats. and no ur dog isnt immune no do is immune to the effects of chocolate

    • It depends on the composition of the chocolate. Many dogs are not allergic to milk chocolate, but if they had gotten into dark chocolate they would have died, or been very sick. When I was younger my dog ate a whole bag of Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chunk cookies, and was totally unphased by it.

    • sometimes the dog can take chocolate but its like they get high for a little bit. ive had tons of dogs and two of them were big dogs and ate at least 3 lbs of chocolate each. dont know how they got it but they did and they were fine. its just the dog most likely