Is there a medicine for Dogs that can be taken internally for mites?

We have been using a cream for our our dog's skin around her eye, being careful not to get it in her eye. The mites seem to be retreating to the eyelash area where we cannot get the cream. Is there any kind of pilll for mites that we can give her to…

    Is there a medicine for Dogs that can be taken internally for mites?

    We have been using a cream for our our dog's skin around her eye, being careful not to get it in her eye. The mites seem to be retreating to the eyelash area where we cannot get the cream. Is there any kind of pilll for mites that we can give her to…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there a medicine for Dogs that can be taken internally for mites?...

    • Is there a medicine for Dogs that can be taken internally for mites?

      Is there a medicine for Dogs that can be taken internally for mites? General Dog Discussions
      We have been using a cream for our our dog's skin around her eye, being careful not to get it in her eye. The mites seem to be retreating to the eyelash area where we cannot get the cream. Is there any kind of pilll for mites that we can give her to combat mites through her skin?It would be easier if we can just give her a pill instead of trying to apply cream around her eye.

      Is there a medicine for Dogs that can be taken internally for mites?

      Is there a medicine for Dogs that can be taken internally for mites? General Dog Discussions
    • Amitraz dips are the most common method of treatment. However Ivermectin (given orally, daily) or even Interceptor (heartworm preventative) are also being used on puppy mange with some success. Ask your vet. Dogs who live in areas where there are mosquitos should be on heartworm preventative anyway.

    • It depends on what type of mite that you are trying to treat. If it is Demodex (usually seen in puppies), than you can give oral Ivermectin, but it can be really risky. It has to be dosed just below the leathal level for the dog, and some dogs do not react well to it. If it is Sarcoptic (can be seen in all ages, very contagious) or ear mites then you can use a topical treatment called Revolution. It is a topical flea/heartworm treatment (you put it on like Frontline) that absorbs into the body to treat the mites. You would have to consult your vet to find out what you other options are.