what is a good home remedie to get wax out of a dogs ear and un clog them?

I like home remedy stuff even for myself. I am not looking for you to tell me to take the dog to the vet. I am looking for a home remedy. I heard mineral oil works well for example.Once again. As I suspected the first answer tells me to take my dog to…

    what is a good home remedie to get wax out of a dogs ear and un clog them?

    I like home remedy stuff even for myself. I am not looking for you to tell me to take the dog to the vet. I am looking for a home remedy. I heard mineral oil works well for example.Once again. As I suspected the first answer tells me to take my dog to…...
    General Dog Discussions : what is a good home remedie to get wax out of a dogs ear and un clog them?...

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    • what is a good home remedie to get wax out of a dogs ear and un clog them?

      what is a good home remedie to get wax out of a dogs ear and un clog them? General Dog Discussions
      I like home remedy stuff even for myself. I am not looking for you to tell me to take the dog to the vet. I am looking for a home remedy. I heard mineral oil works well for example.Once again. As I suspected the first answer tells me to take my dog to the vet which I stated clearly I already know and this question isnt about that. Wow, how did I know that although I made this part clear someone would still say that.

      what is a good home remedie to get wax out of a dogs ear and un clog them?

      what is a good home remedie to get wax out of a dogs ear and un clog them? General Dog Discussions
    • In my opinion, you have the cart before the horse here, and putting that right could well involve a vet. Puppies make more wax than adults, but in reality, there must be a reason why your dog's ears need 'unclogging'. If he's making a lot of wax/matter in there, could be he has an infection, or ear mites. And I'm afraid this does need a vet. If you put 'home remedies' down the ears of a dog, you could well make whatever's going on a deal worse. My Whippet's ears almost never need any kind of cleaning, and my current Basset's ears (he's only 9 months) only need wiping out with a cotton wool ball, and only as far in as can be seen.