What happens when a small dog eats artificial chocolate ?

My mom gave my dog (shitzhu) chocolate. She gave him about 3 chunks of it. Will it become blind or die ?

    What happens when a small dog eats artificial chocolate ?

    My mom gave my dog (shitzhu) chocolate. She gave him about 3 chunks of it. Will it become blind or die ?...
    General Dog Discussions : What happens when a small dog eats artificial chocolate ?...

    • What happens when a small dog eats artificial chocolate ?

      What happens when a small dog eats artificial chocolate ? General Dog Discussions
      My mom gave my dog (shitzhu) chocolate. She gave him about 3 chunks of it. Will it become blind or die ?

      What happens when a small dog eats artificial chocolate ?

      What happens when a small dog eats artificial chocolate ? General Dog Discussions
    • I have a maltese shitzhu and he has eaten chocolate before (got it from someones room)Its not good for them, if their are any signs of vomiting or diahhoria or anything take the dog to the vet, otherwise if its only 3 bits it should be finehope this helps ;)

    • Your question says 'artificial chocolate' but your explaiation just says 'chocolate' so I'm a little confused. Your mother may not realize it but chocolate can be very toxic to dogs. The smaller the dog the less chocolate it takes. I don't know about blindness but yes, if given enough chocolate it could die. Tell your mother to lay off giving the dog chocolate and if she doesn't keep her away from your dog.

    • at 400 mg per ounce bakeing chocloate has the higest alkaloid content that is most likely to cause trouble, dark choclate has 150 mg per ounce ands milk choclat has 50 mg. for a 20 pound dog 10,000mg is deadly which is 25 ounces of baking chcolate. much less can cause signs of poisoning such as. nervouseness, vomiting, diarrhea,and urinary incontinence, if you find signs of these bring him to the vet. or if you are worried theis will happen.

    • dont worry to much about it. trust me. she/he might get sick but not die.one of my dogs once got a hold of half a chocolate bunny.another one got a few pieces of 70% cocao bar.(they like to jump up on furniture and reach ovr to food on the tables)keep an eye on your dog but don't stress. if it starts acting very weird, take your shih tzu to the vet.

    • Chocolate doesn't cause blindness.It contains theobromine which is toxic to dogs. It can cause hyperactivity, kidney damage, increased heart rate or cause it to beat irregularly, muscle tremors, vomiting and diarrhoea.They may pass large amounts of urine and be unusually thirsty.Death is possible. The signs of sickness may not be seen for several hours, with death following within 24 hours.Although your dog would have had to eat a large amount of chocolate for it to cause any harm, but don't worry, just keep an eye on him, chances are he'll just have some diarrhoea and may vomit, but if he is acting strange or you are worried then give the vet a ring.It's best never to give a dog any chocolate at all, unless it's made specifically for dogs.