Is feeding cookies or bread bad for dogs?

I know that if you feed your dog chocolate is bad for them but lately I have noticed my dog likes cookies, regular cookies and sweet bread, does any one know if its bad for them? He only eats dog food, and has not gotten sick from eating bread or cookies.

    Is feeding cookies or bread bad for dogs?

    I know that if you feed your dog chocolate is bad for them but lately I have noticed my dog likes cookies, regular cookies and sweet bread, does any one know if its bad for them? He only eats dog food, and has not gotten sick from eating bread or cookies....
    General Dog Discussions : Is feeding cookies or bread bad for dogs?...

    • Is feeding cookies or bread bad for dogs?

      Is feeding cookies or bread bad for dogs? General Dog Discussions
      I know that if you feed your dog chocolate is bad for them but lately I have noticed my dog likes cookies, regular cookies and sweet bread, does any one know if its bad for them? He only eats dog food, and has not gotten sick from eating bread or cookies.

      Is feeding cookies or bread bad for dogs?

      Is feeding cookies or bread bad for dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • really you can feed dogs anything but dark chocalate, skins of things like fruit and veges, and grease. milk chochalate = chocalaty suprise. how i know this? my dog knocks things down. or rips things open. and hes eaten just about everything.

    • dogs are domesticated animals, but they're still animals. like us they have adapted to nature in their own way. and if you examine them, in their natural element you would notice that they are a pack oriented hunter animal. this being said, most of their diet are made of protiens from meats, they would also eat some fruit, but never a cookie (not in nature anyway). dogs only beg and eat cookies because we are mis-informed or bad doggie parents and do not know what is best for our dogs. cookies and other human foods are full of preservatives and other chemicals that dogs aren't used to because it isn't in their original, natural diet. some may develop some tolerance but it is bad for the long run. some dogs may even have allergies to certain organic foods such as flax seed and others. some they cant even digest like corn or chocolate. we think giving human food to dogs is ok but its not. human food contains lot of sodium as well. now when have you seen a dog eating dog food and going to the cupboard to get the salt shaker? always mind what you feed your friend because he'she trusts you as his/her owner to know whats best.

    • Generally speaking, too much sugar! And he will put weight on. So it's far better to stick to dog biscuits, a few, or raw carrots if you want to allow snacking. My dogs like our cookies too, but they don't get 'em. LOL

    • Dogs can have a difficult time digesting foods we take for granted. It is never a good idea to give your pet a food that is created for human consumption. As has been mentioned, some foods that are safe for us can be poisonous to them. Besides the chocolate, sugarless candy contains ingredients that can kill dogs. All too often the ill effects of an improper diet are not immediately known and can manifest themselves over time. By the time you are aware of a problem it can sometimes be too late. If you want to provide your pet with a treat I suggest you go to a pet store and select something that will be rewarding and yet safe for your dog.

    • If he only eats dog food then how is it he likes cookies, and sweet bread. Clearly he doesn't only eat dog food, he gets fed junk food as well.As with humans who eat junk food, there is a price to be paid somewhere down the line.

    • A cookie now and then is not going to hurt your dog. If you feed a huge amount, then it will. But one or two is fine. If he was sick from this, you would know. There would be vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, etc. Unless this has happened, your dog is fine. I assume you mean his main diet is dog food and he gets cookies and bread for treats.

    • Anything with sugar in it is bad for dogs, especially if the sweetner is an artificial one. Use dog treats or make your own. It's simple to make a batch of dog treats and then you know what is in them.I make this all the time in my food processor and the dogs love them;One cup of rice flour, 2 grated carrots, a dash of garlic powder, 3oz wild caught salmon and enough warm water to make a dough. Shape into 1 inch balls and bake at 375 for 17 minutes. Keep in the freezer for long storage life and use as treats.

    • You should no more let cookies and bread be much of your dog's diet than your own. They are quite high in calories and fat, harder on dogs than us. Raisins and the artificial sweetener Xylitol are deadly to dogs even in small quantities. A token amount will do little harm.