Do you give your dog chocolate?

OK, i know all the warnings about dogs and chocolate. Ive heard it all, and i know that its true. But my dog just loves chocolate. I dont give her a lot, but maybe about once every other day i will share a hersheys bar with her. Every dog ive ever had…

    Do you give your dog chocolate?

    OK, i know all the warnings about dogs and chocolate. Ive heard it all, and i know that its true. But my dog just loves chocolate. I dont give her a lot, but maybe about once every other day i will share a hersheys bar with her. Every dog ive ever had…...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you give your dog chocolate?...

    • Do you give your dog chocolate?

      Do you give your dog chocolate? General Dog Discussions
      OK, i know all the warnings about dogs and chocolate. Ive heard it all, and i know that its true. But my dog just loves chocolate. I dont give her a lot, but maybe about once every other day i will share a hersheys bar with her. Every dog ive ever had has eaten chocolate. None have gotten sick or died from it. Im not denying that it is bad for a dog-but exactly how bad is it? I mean, to hear some people talk they act as if your dog gets the smallest bite of chocolate he will drop dead seconds later. Certainly its not that bad for them is it? I look at it like this-you only live once and if she wants a bite of chocolate every now and then im not gonna deny her. Do you feed your dogs chocolate?People- i know its not good for your dog-but from the research i have done its not as if the slightest taste of chocolate is going to kill them. I had another dog who lived to be well over 15, i fed him chocolate every now and then as well. Im not gonna give my dogs full hershey bars every day, i dont even eat them that often. im only speaking of a small bite off of one every now and then, whenever im eating one and they are around. I think people are a bit anal over things like this.Im willing to bet alot of those here saying its wrong to give your dog any chocolate at all probably give their dogs chicken bones and pork chop bones. Bones like that are very bad for dogs. They can choke on them and clog up their digestive track as well.

      Do you give your dog chocolate?

      Do you give your dog chocolate? General Dog Discussions
    • There's always a first time for you to kill 'em.If you want to share "chocolate" with your dog, get it some carob treats to eat while you eat your hershey's.Sounds like she only lives once and you want to shorten it.This could qualify as animal abuse.

    • I feed my neighbor's dog a chocolate so that it will die and stop barking at me...JUST KIDDING...yes, I feed some to my dog, I don't think it's THAT bad. well, I dont feed it to him. He just takes it from me.

    • I don't, and i have heard it is bad. but i do think it depends on the dog. My uncle's dog ate a whole box of rich chocolates and did not get sick at all, so i would be careful on how much you give your dog and when you get a new dog be careful because i believe each dog is different.

    • Stop giving your dog choclate only a little piece is O.K and yes dogs do die from choclate. And if she is really addicted to choclate they just came out with choclate for dogs.

    • I don't think it's that bad because my dog has had his share of chocolate,I think those warnings are just for large amounts of chocolate. But I don't feed it to him he just eats it when I drop it on the ground. You probably shouldn't give it to your dog that often, I say 1 chocalate chip a month.