What to do during a dog's seizure and what is the cost of medication?

My 3 year old lab had two seizures in March of this year (really weak, not diagnosed). Yesterday my wife and I noticed he was having one. I rubbed him down and talked to him during the seizure until it went away (3-5 minutes). What else can I do? I know…

    What to do during a dog's seizure and what is the cost of medication?

    My 3 year old lab had two seizures in March of this year (really weak, not diagnosed). Yesterday my wife and I noticed he was having one. I rubbed him down and talked to him during the seizure until it went away (3-5 minutes). What else can I do? I know…...
    General Dog Discussions : What to do during a dog's seizure and what is the cost of medication?...

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    • What to do during a dog's seizure and what is the cost of medication?

      What to do during a dog's seizure and what is the cost of medication? General Dog Discussions
      My 3 year old lab had two seizures in March of this year (really weak, not diagnosed). Yesterday my wife and I noticed he was having one. I rubbed him down and talked to him during the seizure until it went away (3-5 minutes). What else can I do? I know I have to take him to the vet and most likely get him medicated. How much money are we looking at?

      What to do during a dog's seizure and what is the cost of medication?

      What to do during a dog's seizure and what is the cost of medication? General Dog Discussions
    • i have a yorkie who at 11 and a half has had epilepsy for most of his life(his granma had it but sadly died while fitting back in 98 and i lost a gsd 10years bk who also died despite meds x), he can go months without fitting then he will have tonnes of fits in one day, the vets arent overly worried as he doesnt have them on a daily basis , when he does tho he likes to sit on my lap, he dribbles loads and has accidents indoors after, we dont talk to him as he goes blank while fitting so we give him time to come round and within 10 minutes of fitting hes back to his normal self my 2 greys dont get spooked when hes fitting they watch him and then go and check hes ok..bless, the vets will charge a huge ammount if meds are needed daily so keep a diary of his fits and you can note down any changes that occur from one fit to the next xx

    • I had a chocolate lab who started having seizures when he turned 7yrs. old.It was heartbreaking. He was on all kinds of meds..nothing was helping. When he had a seizure I would stay with him, trying to comfort him. Finally we had to have him put to sleep..and we waited much too long to do this because we couldn't bear the thoughts of it. The Vet didn't charge us that much money, and he even gave us a lot of the pills for free because we had been going to him for years.He told us Labs are prone to seizures. My heart goes out to you. Good luck.

    • my dog had seizures and all i could do for her is sit and pat her and let her know i was there.Its very sad to watch it happen to themI the end the seizures did kill herI just found this info if its any goodDuring the Seizure:- Some dogs are light or sound sensitive during seizure episodes. Try dimming the lights and keeping phones at a distance from the dog.- Keep old towels or baby diapers handy to catch urine if your dog urinates during seizures.- Some human epileptics say they have an easier time if the seizure is allowed to run its course. Calling the dog's name to bring them out of the seizure may not be the best thing for your dog. Try it each way and see which is more comfortable for your particular dog's seizure.- A fan blowing on the dog, or rubbing the feet and belly with cool water may help cool the dog down. Of course, in any case should the dog seem to be overheating due to repeated seizures or not coming out of a seizure -IMMEDIATELY bring the dog to/or contact a vet since overheating can be very dangerous.- Many dogs are confused and even blind right after a seizure. Keep the dog in a safe area where they cannot fall down stairs or hurt themselves.- Keep a careful journal of the seizures. As soon as possible write down the exact time the dog started to seizure and the time the seizure ended. A stop watch or watch with a second hand can be helpful. After the seizure is over and you have time - write down all circumstances surrounding the seizure, such as unusual food eaten, activities that happened during the previous day, medications or vaccinations recently given. A detailed journal can be helpful when bringing your dog to a new vet or neurologist.- Be prepared to transport a dog that cannot stand up and walk, or is even in the middle of a seizure. Hard plastic children's sleds can be used to carry or drag the dog to the car. A heavy blanket folded can also act as a stretcher. If you are alone with a very heavy/large seizing dog, call the vets office for instructions. Depending on where you live you may want to try calling the police for help in getting the dog into the car if no one else is available.Safety:- Seizure proofing your home is important since most of us cannot be there to watch our dogs at all times. Seizures may occur when the dog is home alone. Many people crate their dogs while they are not there. An airline type crate (Vari-Kennel or Furrari) minimizes the chances of the feet getting caught up in the wires.- While crating, or even when leaving the dog home alone, make sure the dog is not wearing a collar (especially with tags) that could get caught while the dog is thrashing. Choking can result.- Some people make a special room for the epileptic dog, clearing out any objects/furniture that may injure the dog during a seizure. Crating or making a 'doggy room' may be the best idea should you have a 'catapulting dog', that is one that throws itself across the room during seizures.- Never leave an epileptic dog alone near any water deep enough to drown in. If you need to, investigate getting a doggy lifevest for your dog.- If you are concerned about your dog seizing while swimming, doggie life vests are available.- Protection or separation may need to be considered in multiple dog households. A seizing dog can trigger the 'pack' instinct in which an injured animal on the ground is attacked. Monitor your dogs until you know their reactions to the seizing dog.- Baby gates can be invaluable to block off stairways or confine the dog to a certain room.- Be careful of leaving windows open should you have a dog that spends time near one. Screen windows can easily fall out of the framing as well as your dog.- Prop a large piece of styrofoam insulation against a sliding glass door if you are afraid of your dog hitting against it.- Buy a new or used baby alert monitor to 'hear' your dog if he sleeps in a different part of the home. Just put the receiver part in your bedroom -this may help you sleep better if you are constantly trying to 'listen' to hear if the dog is all right.- If you really want to know what happens when you are not home, buy a voice activated tape recorder. It only records when significantly loud noise is heard. This will not only let you know if your dog has seized, but if he has been barking all day. Some also videotape their dog during the time they are gone. They then fast forward thru the tape to see if anything unusual has happened during the day.- Keep phone numbers to your vet and all emergency vet hospitals near all phones. 2:00 a.m. in the morning is not he time to decide if your dog is in status and then figure out what to do. Drive by the emergency vet so you know exactly where it is. When traveling, get emergency numbers in advance or immediately find the hospital nearest you when you arrive. Keep the number handy at all times.- An ID tag on a lost epileptic dog is very important. It's scary enough to think of a lost dog, but a lost dog without medications is even worse. Medical alert tags are available at most pharmacies, pet supply catalogs or from your vet. It can even be engraved and worn with your dog's regular tags.- Train all your dogs for basic obedience. You may need it someday if you are walking multiple dogs and your epileptic seizures. The situation would be much easier if the other dogs will obey a sit or down stay.