Has anyone tried feeding your dog a chocolate?

As we all or most of us know, letting your dog eat chocolate could lead into a serious health situation. I'd just like to know if anyone out here had ever tried giving your dog some chocolate. What happened next after it? Did it really trigger any…

    Has anyone tried feeding your dog a chocolate?

    As we all or most of us know, letting your dog eat chocolate could lead into a serious health situation. I'd just like to know if anyone out here had ever tried giving your dog some chocolate. What happened next after it? Did it really trigger any…...
    General Dog Discussions : Has anyone tried feeding your dog a chocolate?...

    • Has anyone tried feeding your dog a chocolate?

      Has anyone tried feeding your dog a chocolate? General Dog Discussions
      As we all or most of us know, letting your dog eat chocolate could lead into a serious health situation. I'd just like to know if anyone out here had ever tried giving your dog some chocolate. What happened next after it? Did it really trigger any serious problem? I have just heard this bit of info from a particular TV program. Hand in some of your experiences or further info instead. Thx a lot!And what's worse with it is that your dog might be killed on eating chocolate. How true is this?

      Has anyone tried feeding your dog a chocolate?

      Has anyone tried feeding your dog a chocolate? General Dog Discussions
    • Why would anyone ever give their pet something that is known to lead to serious health problems? That is cruel, not to mention costly, unless you enjoy needlessly spending money on vets and meds.

    • Chocolate is toxic to a dog. Don't *ever* try to give it to them...they'll eat it right up.My black lab got in to some when she was a puppy & she almost died.

    • People say it kills them but I've tried and it doesn't. Seems dark chocolate has more caffeine than milk chocolate, and caffeine is the buggerbear (their little hearts can't take it) SO if you must feed chocolate, a small bit of milk chocolate once in a while won't hurt. Mine loves Reeses Pieces, the little peanut butter flavored dot things, which have practically ZERO chocolate in them, and she will do ANYTHING (learn to drive, shorthand, run the washing machine) for some of them.

    • you should be asking your vet this. i do know that a certain amount of chocolate (compared to your dog's weight and health) can actually sent your dog into kidney failure. it's something in the chocolate that does it. just dont feed dogs any AT ALL and there is nothing to worry about. not long ago there was a vet on here that answered a question like this and i hope he sees that one too so he can fill you in on more of the details.

    • one of my greys got hold of a big bar of dark minty chocolate that i left on my bedside table..and finished the lot off!!! oh and a pkt of choc digestives,that was months ago and she suffered no ill effects

    • Dogs are not supposed to eat chocolate. It can kill them. Sometimes they can eat a little bit of chocolate and it doesn't kill them. This is similar to an individual being severly allergic to bee stings but not always having a deadly reaction when stung. It doesn't mean that person should reduce caution around bees (or fail to carry an anti-histamine shot)! My dog got into a bag of chocolates once. She was not sick yet; however our vet explained that sometimes it takes time and sometimes they may not get sick. It didn't mean she wouldn't get sick next time she ate chocolate. I still had to induce vomiting with small capfuls of hydrogen peroxide. Please don't feed your dog chocolate.