My dog keeps throwing up and her breath stinks?

My chiweinie is a parvovirus surviver and I'm worried she has side affects from it. I just lost my job so I can't take her to the vet but she has weird noises coming from her belly and her breath sticks really bad. She throws up often and eats grass.…

    My dog keeps throwing up and her breath stinks?

    My chiweinie is a parvovirus surviver and I'm worried she has side affects from it. I just lost my job so I can't take her to the vet but she has weird noises coming from her belly and her breath sticks really bad. She throws up often and eats grass.…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog keeps throwing up and her breath stinks?...

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    • My dog keeps throwing up and her breath stinks?

      My dog keeps throwing up and her breath stinks? General Dog Discussions
      My chiweinie is a parvovirus surviver and I'm worried she has side affects from it. I just lost my job so I can't take her to the vet but she has weird noises coming from her belly and her breath sticks really bad. She throws up often and eats grass. Does anyone have any remedies or suggestions?

      My dog keeps throwing up and her breath stinks?

      My dog keeps throwing up and her breath stinks? General Dog Discussions
    • First of all, don't let her eat grass. Grass makes a dog throw up. He breath is probably bad from throwing up so much. I would make her some white rice and boil some hamburger meat and grind the hamburger meat in between your hands to make very small pieces. Mix the two. 2/3 rice and 1/3 meat. That is a good bland meal that my vet recomended to me when my dog was sick. It will fill her tummy and get her use to having food in it again and it will be very bland so it shouldn't make her throw up. Don't give her a lot. Just give her about 1/2 cup and see how she does. You boil the hamburger because boiling removes the fat. Do not let her eat any more grass or the vomiting will not stop. Make sure that she is drinking lots of water. You can feed her the hamburger mixture for up to 3 days but, after that, she needs to go back on dog food as the rice and hamburger have almost no nutritional value. It's just designed to calm her tummy and get it use to being full again.

    • Find some way to get her to the vet. She might be sick, like maybe she ate something bad or stuff. Or maybe she got a virus or something. Find a way to get the vet, if you can't do what I did when I had a dog. I go to a pet store ( a good kind ) and ask them for any medicines that can help stop stomach aches and throwing up. And for the breathe, I guess you can use some air freshner or something.

    • Your dog is obviously sick. Keep it from eating more grass, maybe keep it inside for a while. Keep an eye on it to make sure that it doesn't get any worse. As vomiting is one of the symptoms of parvovirus, It may have it again. Has she been around any other dogs recently? Dogs can get this disease through infected feces. It is highly contagious, so try to quarantine it from other dogs for a few weeks after it has recovered. If this disease is PV, your dog needs to be taken to the vet immediately or it may die of the disease. This is very serious! Hydrating your dog is critical. Giving your dog broth, vinegar, cider, or some other antiviral drink should help.Hope your dog recovers soon!