Any clues on how to get a blood sample from the ear of my diabetic dog?

Zoe, our 8 year old mutt, has just been diagnosed as a diabetic and we need to check her glucose levels frequently. Our vet said to get the blood from the inside of her ear, but we are having a terrible time getting enough. Anyone have any ideas? We have…

    Any clues on how to get a blood sample from the ear of my diabetic dog?

    Zoe, our 8 year old mutt, has just been diagnosed as a diabetic and we need to check her glucose levels frequently. Our vet said to get the blood from the inside of her ear, but we are having a terrible time getting enough. Anyone have any ideas? We have…...
    General Dog Discussions : Any clues on how to get a blood sample from the ear of my diabetic dog?...

    • Any clues on how to get a blood sample from the ear of my diabetic dog?

      Any clues on how to get a blood sample from the ear of my diabetic dog? General Dog Discussions
      Zoe, our 8 year old mutt, has just been diagnosed as a diabetic and we need to check her glucose levels frequently. Our vet said to get the blood from the inside of her ear, but we are having a terrible time getting enough. Anyone have any ideas? We have tried shinning a light from the back of her ear to see the veins, but her ear is too thick.

      Any clues on how to get a blood sample from the ear of my diabetic dog?

      Any clues on how to get a blood sample from the ear of my diabetic dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Your vet needs to show you. Also have they had you buy the pet meter? I have to do this on my newly diagnosed cat but I worked at a vet hospital for about 1 1/2 years so I was use to doing it.

    • Talk to your vet, one issue with diabetics is poor peripheral circulation. You can also try warming the ear with your hand before you try to poke for blood.

    • this is what i do i have a diabetic dog and i use a lancet without the poker and i just pull her ear back and i just stick the lancet on the side of her ear to get a blood sample or you can also prick the dogs foot and get it that way as well both ways work