every time i bring my dog to the lake she comes home with bites surrounded by a red ring?

they are white in the middle, and there is a ting pin prick in the centre, and they are surrounded by a red ring. About the size of a small pinky nail. The bites are between her hind legs. any idea what it might be? it has happened the last two times i…

    every time i bring my dog to the lake she comes home with bites surrounded by a red ring?

    they are white in the middle, and there is a ting pin prick in the centre, and they are surrounded by a red ring. About the size of a small pinky nail. The bites are between her hind legs. any idea what it might be? it has happened the last two times i…...
    General Dog Discussions : every time i bring my dog to the lake she comes home with bites surrounded by a red ring?...

    • every time i bring my dog to the lake she comes home with bites surrounded by a red ring?

      every time i bring my dog to the lake she comes home with bites surrounded by a red ring? General Dog Discussions
      they are white in the middle, and there is a ting pin prick in the centre, and they are surrounded by a red ring. About the size of a small pinky nail. The bites are between her hind legs. any idea what it might be? it has happened the last two times i brought her to the water. 1st time in Val David, the second time in River Rouge. The trips were one week apart.

      every time i bring my dog to the lake she comes home with bites surrounded by a red ring?

      every time i bring my dog to the lake she comes home with bites surrounded by a red ring? General Dog Discussions
    • She's getting bug bites...the skin on her belly is where the hair is the thinnest and most easily bitten.I would get some type of topical preventative for biting insects like frontline or advantage- the ones you get from your vet work the best in general. Also make sure she is on some type of heartworm preventative like Sentinel as if you are near water she is also getting bitten most likely by mosquitos which carry the deadly Heartworm.

    • Black flies are the most common for bullseye bites like you are describing. Usually they are inflammed red dots that cool down after a bit and turn into a prick in the middle with a pink or red ring. They can last up to a few days on some dogs. See link for an image of black fly bites (large and right as it happens).