holistic diet for a dog with canine osteosarcoma and tumor?

My 14 year old great dane/ black lab mix has been diagnosed with osteosarcoma and has a huge tumor on his hind leg , with swelling at the lower leg it has grown which seems overnight . I was hoping for a holistic diet approach . I have started the…

    holistic diet for a dog with canine osteosarcoma and tumor?

    My 14 year old great dane/ black lab mix has been diagnosed with osteosarcoma and has a huge tumor on his hind leg , with swelling at the lower leg it has grown which seems overnight . I was hoping for a holistic diet approach . I have started the…...
    General Dog Discussions : holistic diet for a dog with canine osteosarcoma and tumor?...

    • holistic diet for a dog with canine osteosarcoma and tumor?

      holistic diet for a dog with canine osteosarcoma and tumor? General Dog Discussions
      My 14 year old great dane/ black lab mix has been diagnosed with osteosarcoma and has a huge tumor on his hind leg , with swelling at the lower leg it has grown which seems overnight . I was hoping for a holistic diet approach . I have started the Budwig diet with Flak seed oil and cottage cheese . I have also purchased a few natural ingredients like ( milk thistle, garlic , turmeric and Lysine ) but do not have a clue on the amounts to give him . Please if anyone has a recipe no matter how far fetched it sounds , we are at your mercy.

      holistic diet for a dog with canine osteosarcoma and tumor?

      holistic diet for a dog with canine osteosarcoma and tumor? General Dog Discussions
    • There is a vet that wrote two books called "Feed Your Pet to Avoid the Vet" and "Dog Dish Diet" which partly addresses diets for dogs with health considerations. These books centre around home cooked foods. The vets name is Dr. Greg Martinez DVM, and he also posts videos of his practice on YouTube and is a nice enough guy. I would check out his videos and ask him if his book has something for your particular issue.