Is it poisonous or dangerous for a dog to have eaten styrafoam?

My dog smelled chocolate cake through a styrafoam cooler thing and he ate through the styrafoam. Now he is growling and snapping and walking all weird. Usually he is absolutely harmless.

    Is it poisonous or dangerous for a dog to have eaten styrafoam?

    My dog smelled chocolate cake through a styrafoam cooler thing and he ate through the styrafoam. Now he is growling and snapping and walking all weird. Usually he is absolutely harmless....
    General Dog Discussions : Is it poisonous or dangerous for a dog to have eaten styrafoam?...

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    • Is it poisonous or dangerous for a dog to have eaten styrafoam?

      Is it poisonous or dangerous for a dog to have eaten styrafoam? General Dog Discussions
      My dog smelled chocolate cake through a styrafoam cooler thing and he ate through the styrafoam. Now he is growling and snapping and walking all weird. Usually he is absolutely harmless.

      Is it poisonous or dangerous for a dog to have eaten styrafoam?

      Is it poisonous or dangerous for a dog to have eaten styrafoam? General Dog Discussions
    • Chocolate cake is poisonous to dogs, so hopefully he did not consume any. ANY non-food item eaten by your dog should be of concern. The fact that your dog is acting unusual should have you phoning the vet immediately. They will want to know how much Styrofoam he consumed? This could be serious so call as soon as possible.