How do you control dog hair inside your home?

I have 2 dogs. A chocolate lab and she zu. I live in a 1800 sq ft house that has off white tile throughout the lab sheds so much that I have to sweep three times a day to just keep it somewhat under control If I miss one day the whole house will have…

    How do you control dog hair inside your home?

    I have 2 dogs. A chocolate lab and she zu. I live in a 1800 sq ft house that has off white tile throughout the lab sheds so much that I have to sweep three times a day to just keep it somewhat under control If I miss one day the whole house will have…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you control dog hair inside your home?...

    • How do you control dog hair inside your home?

      How do you control dog hair inside your home? General Dog Discussions
      I have 2 dogs. A chocolate lab and she zu. I live in a 1800 sq ft house that has off white tile throughout the lab sheds so much that I have to sweep three times a day to just keep it somewhat under control If I miss one day the whole house will have this nice layer of hair on all the floor .

      How do you control dog hair inside your home?

      How do you control dog hair inside your home? General Dog Discussions
    • yep, bassetnut is right.i have 6 dogs, and minimal dog hair(cat hair from 4 cats, 2 longhair is another matter)i feed raw, and they swim all the time and get brushed, so i dont really see dog hair like i used too when i fed dogfood.

    • If you do not already own one, buy a rubber curry brush at the pet supply store. Brush that Lab daily, outside or in the garage with that curry brush then brush it with a slicker brush. This will remove the dead hair (which is what you are cleaning up all the time). Labs do shed a lot and then because we keep our pets inside with us, they don't go through the 'normal' growing of a winter coat then spring shedding. Vacuum daily as well as sweeping and brushing the dogs.

    • I have a golden retriever, a shih tzu, and a chihuahua and a house that has white linoleum in the entrance and kitchen, and blue carpeting in my living room/bedroom. Both the retriever and the shihtzu shed but I've found if you're careful about what they are eating (no foods or treats that are mainly wheat flour and soy) and you brush them frequently they shed a whole lot less than they would if you never groomed them and fed them crappy food. I can now get away with sweeping my floors once a day (this is on bad days) at most!

    • 1). Brush more often.2). Feed a higher quality food, it'll reduce shedding.3). My fiance just bought a Roomba for is wonderful! I just set it running when I leave for the day and there is no dog hair when I come hom (we have wood floors).

    • lol hair is our friend!Be glad you only have 2 smaller dogs.yes i view labs as small lolI currently have 3 rottweilers, a great pyrenees, a st bernard,3 pitbulls and 2 bulldog in the house,most are fosters and all are snoring in various rooms of the house and when I get them they shed badly..I have hair everywhere during shedding season ,ya learn to live with alot of it but to keep the shedding down switch to a high quality diet ,ie ditch that dry kibble junk and feed a raw based diet.It will reduce all shedding but the seasonal which the dogs must go thru.Kibble is basically cattle feed ie corn,rice,wheat with very little real meat in it and that causes a dog to shed,it will also give the lab that stinky lab smell too.A proper raw based diet will leave your house pretty hair free most of the year