Would an opossum and two dogs be compatible?

I'm considering buying a Virginia Possum (I'm not even sure if i'm going to get one so don't go critisizing me). But anyway, i have to chihuahuas. One is a mix and is about 12 pounds and the other is about 4 pounds. I read that after about 5 months…

    Would an opossum and two dogs be compatible?

    I'm considering buying a Virginia Possum (I'm not even sure if i'm going to get one so don't go critisizing me). But anyway, i have to chihuahuas. One is a mix and is about 12 pounds and the other is about 4 pounds. I read that after about 5 months…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would an opossum and two dogs be compatible?...

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    • Would an opossum and two dogs be compatible?

      Would an opossum and two dogs be compatible? General Dog Discussions
      I'm considering buying a Virginia Possum (I'm not even sure if i'm going to get one so don't go critisizing me). But anyway, i have to chihuahuas. One is a mix and is about 12 pounds and the other is about 4 pounds. I read that after about 5 months possums need to be out and about inside the house. Would the dogs and the possum be compatible or should i be worried?

      Would an opossum and two dogs be compatible?

      Would an opossum and two dogs be compatible? General Dog Discussions
    • No! The opossum would hurt the dogs. Maybe kill them. Mostly you should be worried, my dog just about died from a opossum. Just depends on what you think your dogs are worth and do you really want to put them in danger.

    • Possums are basically wild animals. They are like large rodents. I don't think they have much sense so I think, if introduced when very young, they can be trained to get along with almost any animal.Possums are susceptible to a lot of diseases. Be sure you check with a vet that they won't give anything to your dogs.

    • if your gonna get it as a baby just when you get him dont bargd right in the house stright to your dogs be awair of your seoundings hold him underneth his front legs with both your hands round his stomich kinda like the babon and simba on the LionKing lower him down to your dogs and let them sniff him thell know hes just a baby give them both = atinttion or the dogs might get jelous of him and kill him.Danny

    • It depends on your dogs & the opossum. I have a pet skunk, 3 dogs, & cats & they all get along great. I also have ferrets, but they stay apart from my skunk - I'm pretty sure my skunk would hurt them.Some questions to ask yourself:What are the personalities of your dogs? Are they used to other animals? Do they mind being pulled on? Opossums like to grasp on. What about the opossum? How old is it going to be? Will you be able to socialize the 2 species together confidently?

    • First, the possum would not be compatable with the dogs. Second, if you are thinking about getting a possum, you need to check if your state allows them to be kept as pets, and if so, are there any special restrictions, like licenses and permits. You can check here: http://www.api4animals.org/b4a2_exotic_animals_summary.phpIf you find that possum are legal in your state, you need to check with your county and municipality, because many individual counties and municipalities restrict the ownership of animals that are otherwise legal in the state.Then you need to find a USDA licensed breeder, or a store or dealer that gets their animals from a USDA licensed breeder. It is illegal to capture wild animals and keep them as pets.Before you get a possum, please find a vet in your area that is qualified and experienced with possum. If your possum has a medical emergency, it is too late to start looking for a vet that can treat it properly.