How long do I have to keep someones pet before I can find a new home for him?

In Aug. a friend asked me to keep her dog for a month or so while she got back on her feet and I agreed. She then said she would take him back by Thanksgiving and never showed up. I then told her she had till 20December to pick him up as we were going on…

    How long do I have to keep someones pet before I can find a new home for him?

    In Aug. a friend asked me to keep her dog for a month or so while she got back on her feet and I agreed. She then said she would take him back by Thanksgiving and never showed up. I then told her she had till 20December to pick him up as we were going on…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long do I have to keep someones pet before I can find a new home for him?...

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    • How long do I have to keep someones pet before I can find a new home for him?

      How long do I have to keep someones pet before I can find a new home for him? General Dog Discussions
      In Aug. a friend asked me to keep her dog for a month or so while she got back on her feet and I agreed. She then said she would take him back by Thanksgiving and never showed up. I then told her she had till 20December to pick him up as we were going on an extended vacation and could no longer keep him. Today is the 20th and she has not answered any of my calls as her phone is now disconnected nor has she responded to any of my emails or Facebook messages. I can no longer keep her dog. His owner has not come to see him nor has she paid for any of his needs (food/grooming) since I picked him up.

      How long do I have to keep someones pet before I can find a new home for him?

      How long do I have to keep someones pet before I can find a new home for him? General Dog Discussions
    • This depends on state lawin many states either 30 days or 90 days is abandonmentin this case, you can't go by the original drop-off date because you had an agreement of Thanksgiving, but you can go by Thanksgiving as a starting date for establishing abandonmentyou have provided for the dog since August & there usually would be legal consideration for that as welland the fact that you have tried every available method to contact her with no response should also help support your caseAre you wanting to board the dog & then keep it for yourselfor are you wanting to take the dog to a shelter for re-homing?If you are trying to re-home... consider talking with your (or the dog's) vet before going to a shelter

    • It sounds like she doesn't want him back. What you do depends on if you want to keep the dog or not & also if you know where the owners are. If you want the dog, write a letter to her & e mail explaining the situation & saying if you don't hear from her by 30 days you will consider the dog abandoned, then get a dog license & have a vet examine the dog, listing yourself as the owner. If your friend doesn't respond in 30 days & you do not want the dog, send another letter to her last known address saying where you left the dog. Please give the dog to a "no kill " shelter though so the innocent dog won't be killed just because the shelter may get overcrowded. You could also see if any other friends might want the dog, too. Keep all copies of the letters & e mails in case she shows up in a few more months demanding the dog & taking you to court looking for the dog or money. This way you have proof you tried to locate her but I think she just doesn't want the dog back. Just document the things you did so you don't get accused of giving the dog away without telling her.