what are the most dangerous illnesses for my dog?

It lives with us and eats every thing (even shit of the other dogs on the street!) and sleeps in the kitchen. Well, I never had a pet. It belonged to my husband and now I have to take care for it and know almost nothing. I fear if it is ill or gets ill…

    what are the most dangerous illnesses for my dog?

    It lives with us and eats every thing (even shit of the other dogs on the street!) and sleeps in the kitchen. Well, I never had a pet. It belonged to my husband and now I have to take care for it and know almost nothing. I fear if it is ill or gets ill…...
    General Dog Discussions : what are the most dangerous illnesses for my dog?...

    • what are the most dangerous illnesses for my dog?

      what are the most dangerous illnesses for my dog? General Dog Discussions
      It lives with us and eats every thing (even shit of the other dogs on the street!) and sleeps in the kitchen. Well, I never had a pet. It belonged to my husband and now I have to take care for it and know almost nothing. I fear if it is ill or gets ill and transfers it to us! It vomits every second night, moans every early morning at the coridor, brings thicks home from the medow, has always gray pus in both eyes, and worst of all it SMELLS TERRIBLY!!!!!

      what are the most dangerous illnesses for my dog?

      what are the most dangerous illnesses for my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • you dont say what breed it is - there are some breeds (like dingos) that actually eat their own/other dogs poo. dingos do this because its a source of moisture and they live in the desert.however, in almost all modern breeds the instinct has been bred out, and so has their tolerance for the bacteria found within. So, Yes, the dog could get sick from doing this.There is obvious several things going on with the health of this dog. It is not normal for animals to throw up every second night or even every week. pus in the eyes is not normal.why havent you taken this animal to the vet??First - do not ever let a dog or any other animal sleep in an area where food is stored or prepared!! this is common sense!!Second - he is suffering. You need to take him to the VETS immediately to address the vomiting, pus and possibly smell. and BATHE him (should be bathed once every 7-10 days).Thirdly - he desperately needs training. Why are you allowing him to eat ****?? Why is he allowed to roam free in this condition to be able to bring things home from the meadow?So far what you are doing is neglecting him. as a primary carer (your dog or your husbands doesnt matter - he is in your house), you are responsible for his well-being. you have a LEGAL responsibility to get him medical treatment and to train him out of doing things harmful to himself.If you cant handle the dog, or dont want to pay for medical treatment, then you need to give him to somene else who will. .