What to do if you think your dog has heartworms?

I think my 9yr. old lab has heartworms this morning she wouldn't eat or drink, her ribcage area is swollen and I think shes been coughing. Shes been looseing weight resently and much of her energy but I thought it might be the heat. I live very far away…

    What to do if you think your dog has heartworms?

    I think my 9yr. old lab has heartworms this morning she wouldn't eat or drink, her ribcage area is swollen and I think shes been coughing. Shes been looseing weight resently and much of her energy but I thought it might be the heat. I live very far away…...
    General Dog Discussions : What to do if you think your dog has heartworms?...

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    • get it to the vet asap. they will know what to do and can give you treatment for it. If its not heartworms, be sure to get her on heartworm preventitive.

    • Any dog should be on heart worm medication on a monthly basis. If it is difficult or expensive for you to get to a vet. Go and explain the situation to them. Many vets will give you long term prescriptions for heartworm meds that you can get by mail. But the animal needs to see a vet now. If you are unable to care for the animal for some reason call the nearest animal shelter and ask them what you can do. They can do a lot to help. But do something for the dog now.

    • If a vet is to far away there is an Website to find out all about heartworms Symptoms,treatments,ect. Go to http://dog-names.org.uk/dog-health-worms-heartworms.htmThat should help.

    • Well a swollen ribcage, loosing weight and energy aren't signs of heart worm. She can have a tumor, enlarged heart, or any numerous of things. She's 9 yrs old and she can have anything. I'm sorry to say but you're better off trying to get her to the vet to get some chest x-rays and some blood work done (that's the only way your going to find out she has heart worms). Not eating and not drinking are signs that something isn't right. Sorry about your dog hope you can get her to the vet in time.

    • disgusting behavior of yourself and the resposibility of a pet owner.any signs of a pet not feeling good is your duty to rush to a vet or animal emergency hospital.Dont care how far it is.I would drive as far as it took to get care.guess in your case a husband, wife or child would be more important to drive the distance.Also too this is no place by any means to ask a serious question.If I was the animal police I would rack you to the ground and arrest your sorry lazy asss.Get your dog to a vet NOW!PS... I dont give a rats asss if you report me either.

    • hun dont listen to some of the jerks on here!!! they seem to think that the world is perfect & that everyone shoud be able to react to ANY situation in a mannor that "they" see fit.......my advice to you is to call around to local vets & explain your situation, any good vet will make a emergency house call...this may cost some money but it wil be worth it, Id get ahold of your parents ASAP & advise them of the situation they may give you som ecredit card info to take care of the bill over the phone so this will not pose a problem....best of luck & I hope all turns out good!!! try not to stress it while heartworm is a vicious killer it can be treated & cured if caught on time......again blessed be & good luck!!