Where do i put my maltese puppy when im not home?

Everyone in my family including me has to go to either school or work mon-fri. We just got a maltese puppy. But now im not sure what to do with him when we are gone. We also have a bigger dog (chocolate lab) but they both can't stay in our side yard…

    Where do i put my maltese puppy when im not home?

    Everyone in my family including me has to go to either school or work mon-fri. We just got a maltese puppy. But now im not sure what to do with him when we are gone. We also have a bigger dog (chocolate lab) but they both can't stay in our side yard…...
    General Dog Discussions : Where do i put my maltese puppy when im not home?...

    • Where do i put my maltese puppy when im not home?

      Where do i put my maltese puppy when im not home? General Dog Discussions
      Everyone in my family including me has to go to either school or work mon-fri. We just got a maltese puppy. But now im not sure what to do with him when we are gone. We also have a bigger dog (chocolate lab) but they both can't stay in our side yard because the puppy will get crushed. I also want both to be happy though. So does anyone know where i should keep my maltese puppy??

      Where do i put my maltese puppy when im not home?

      Where do i put my maltese puppy when im not home? General Dog Discussions
    • Put him into a crate that he can move around in. He must be able to stand up and turn around, if not the crate is too small. Then, put some interactive toys inside with him. Such as a "kong" (i think they are called that) where you can put treats&peanut butter inside & he has to work to get it out. Also you could put some bones in there that are very cheap at stores such as Target. Thats what I do with my puppy when I am away at school. Hope I helped&good luck!*also your pup will probbaly bark alot until he gets used to the crate, you just have to ignore it;;he will learn.

    • close off a section,have a wee pad down,no way a puppy can hold it in for 5 to 8 hourshave maltese crate also in this area, wee pad opposite side ,bowl of water,you do know puppies should be fed at the least 3 times a dayso feed puppy before work or school,leave some kibble in a bowl for the puppy,when its hungry it will eatlast feeding around 9:30 to 10 pmif you have a huge laundry room,that will workits so hard having a new puppy when everyone is not home during most part of the daywould be great if someone would come home for lunchI kept my puppies in the kitchen when I was out gated ,but that was at the most for 3 hours,they always used the wee pads and were also outdoor trained

    • I would not have a dog with out a crate. It is not cruel as all dogs have originated from the wolf and wolves in dens. When you buy a crate think ahead you want a crate that will also work when puppy grows up. It would be best if some one could get home and let puppy out a couple of times, when you do this do not talk to puppy just take puppy directly outside when puppy potties PRAISE puppy. As you can see crates also serve a great purpose when house breaking.

    • Buy a pet carrier that is just big enough for it to turn around in. If you get one to large the pup will also potty in it. also get a water bottle that attaches to the door so it can have water when needed. If you put the pup in this at nite it is a good training mrthod,soon she or he will go to it anytime they need to rest. Hope this is of some help. I have a dog who is trained this way, works great.