I brought home a male puppy and my older dog is turning aggressive towards my son? What do I do?

The puppy is 7 weeks old and the older dog is 11 years old. The older dog has never been aggressive towards anyone, but it's now being aggressive towards my son.

    I brought home a male puppy and my older dog is turning aggressive towards my son? What do I do?

    The puppy is 7 weeks old and the older dog is 11 years old. The older dog has never been aggressive towards anyone, but it's now being aggressive towards my son....
    General Dog Discussions : I brought home a male puppy and my older dog is turning aggressive towards my son? What do I do?...

    • I brought home a male puppy and my older dog is turning aggressive towards my son? What do I do?

      I brought home a male puppy and my older dog is turning aggressive towards my son? What do I do? General Dog Discussions
      The puppy is 7 weeks old and the older dog is 11 years old. The older dog has never been aggressive towards anyone, but it's now being aggressive towards my son.

      I brought home a male puppy and my older dog is turning aggressive towards my son? What do I do?

      I brought home a male puppy and my older dog is turning aggressive towards my son? What do I do? General Dog Discussions
    • Is the older dog female?How old is the child?She may think she is going to step in as the pup's mother. That's potentially very dangerous.For the immediate future, never allow her together with your son unsupervised. Most victims of dog bites are children, and most of them are bitten by their own family's dog, and usually in the face.Honestly, considering the potential for serious injury to your child, I think you should consult a professional behaviorist. Your vet should be able to recommend one. It might possibly resolve itself when the pup passes about the six month stage, but then again, the problem could be so firmly ingrained by that point that it's nearly impossible to fix. The only way to tell for sure which way it is likely to go is for an expert to observe the dogs and your son in action, in person.