What is the best dog for a college student?

I am 19 years old and a sophomore in college. I have been asking my boyfriend to get me a dog for my birthday (which is in 2 months). He agreed to do it but doesn't know if the kind of dog I want will be good for being busy with class. I want a yorkie.…

    What is the best dog for a college student?

    I am 19 years old and a sophomore in college. I have been asking my boyfriend to get me a dog for my birthday (which is in 2 months). He agreed to do it but doesn't know if the kind of dog I want will be good for being busy with class. I want a yorkie.…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best dog for a college student?...

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    • Yorkies are very cute but are very high maintenance. They need a lot of grooming and they need a lot of attention. They want to be with you all of the time. If you have a hectic schedule then that might not be the right dog...Don't get me wrong Yorkies are cute and sweet, but they are a handful of dog.You should consider getting a young adult dog about 2. Maybe get one from a rescue organization. (you can get purebreds at some shelters or a mutt).I suggest an adult dog because they are usually less destructive than puppies and many are already house broke.Why don't you try PetFinder.com? I hear that they are good at matching the type of dog that is best for you. Even if you don't end up with a dog from them they can still help you get an idea of what you best suit you.

    • i am usually not one to tell people not to get a dog but in this case i feel i must. being a sophomore in college and in a soriety is time consuming. im not at all saying you couldn't handle the responsibility of pet ownership im simply saying your studies and activities are first right now. i live in a college town, and i am a shelter volunteer every year we have at least 50 to 75 college puppies to place because the owners realize they don't have the time it takes to properly care for there pet and there family is not willing to do it.

    • Speaking from experience, I would suggest waiting. I had been DYING for a dog since I was 12, when my last one had passed away. I was finally going to get one when I went to college, until common sense prevailed. I was going to school 4 hours from home without a car: dogs can't come on the bus, and can't be left alone for a weekend. It's also not fair to have the dog caged for 10 hours at a time because you're busy with classes and having a social life. I would suggest a cat if you want a pet for some company. Like someone else has already pointed out, they can left alone with food, water and litter. Also, if you get a dog then decide to move, you might have a hell of a time finding a place to rent (again, speaking from experience lol)

    • Dogs are a lot of responsibility, even the small ones. When you get a puppy, you have to be ready to put out quite a bit of money. Your boyfriend may pay for the puppy, but you will need to be prepared to pay for vaccines (there are usually 3 vet appointments in the first 4 months to get all the vaccines the puppy needs), deworming, and the spay or neuter needs to be done at 6 months of age. This can cost anywhere from $300 - $700 depending on the vet and where you are located. You also need to sign your puppy up for puppy classes so that your puppy is socialized (usually about $200). You will need to pay for collar, leash, bowls, beds, toys (and lots of them), treats, and food. This all adds up, and the expenses don't go away. Every year your dog will need to go in for an annual exam and vaccines need to be boostered. Blood tests also need to be done and medication given when needed (such as preventative heartworm medication that is given yearly to prevent heartworms). That is only the money side of things.Dogs take up a ton of time. You need to train your puppy to be obedient, to be friendly, and to go to the washroom outdoors. A puppy also requires constant supervision so that they don't get into trouble or hurt themselves. I am in my second year of university and I have my dog who I've had since a puppy, but he is now 5 years old. He was trained when I had lots of time in high school and when my family was there to help me with him. Now that I am on my own with him, my life has definitely changed a lot. If I have class at 9:30 am, I am up by at least 6:00 am so that I can have time to get myself dressed and ready to, have my dog fed, walked, tired out, and he's been out to the washroom a few times. When I get home from school, my dog usually wants a walk so I take him out for a second walk of the day. He usually settles down a little while I get some work done, then it is dinner time. He usually sleeps for a little after dinner but likes to play again before bed and runs around the house with a toy. This is just an average day for me with an adult dog who sleeps a fair bit. Puppies do sleep, but when they have energy they need way more attention than an adult dog does. Yorkies are happy little dogs. They enjoy to play and run around. They need a lot of socialization as puppies so that they are not fearful since they are a small dog. They are often a little yappy (again a small dog trait). It is your choice to get a dog or not, but remember when you get a dog it will be a lot of work and money and it is a long term commitment. Dogs can live to 15 years and longer, so be prepared to be responsible for a dog. I recommend you look into a breed rescue or go on petfinder.com. They often have older dogs which may suit your lifestyle better than a puppy. If you decide you don't have time for a dog, look into adopting a cat or a rabbit, or ferret. There are lots of other options that require slightly less time than a dog.Good luck!

    • You have every right to own a dog. I personally would suggest you not to. I'm not being a bitter person, I just want you to be aware of the facts. Having a dog is a lot of responsibility and is time consuming. I've had to cancel trips because no one will watch my dog while I'm gone unless I pay $33 a day in boarding. Besides, you should be having fun in college and not worrying about the dog being left alone. I graduated in May 08 and got a yellow lab puppy for my graduation. She is now 8 mo. and super energetic. She needs a lot of exercise, training, and bonding time. Another thing, they are expensive!!! I honestly can say that I've spend over $1500 dlls. since I got her on just vet bills. No, she is not sick. Until they are 6 mo. of age, puppies need vet visits every 3 weeks for all their shots and routine checks. If you have the time and money then go for it. Good luck! Hope everything turns out great.