Is there a way to stop a cat from killing mice?

My partner has two cats that constantly catch mice. they usualy don't kill them, just injure them and leave them to die. We feel very bad about it and even taken one to the vet but it was too late for him.Is there any way to make them stop this…

    Is there a way to stop a cat from killing mice?

    My partner has two cats that constantly catch mice. they usualy don't kill them, just injure them and leave them to die. We feel very bad about it and even taken one to the vet but it was too late for him.Is there any way to make them stop this…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there a way to stop a cat from killing mice?...

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    • Is there a way to stop a cat from killing mice?

      Is there a way to stop a cat from killing mice? General Dog Discussions
      My partner has two cats that constantly catch mice. they usualy don't kill them, just injure them and leave them to die. We feel very bad about it and even taken one to the vet but it was too late for him.Is there any way to make them stop this behavior?Will playing with them more with fake mice and string replace their need for the hunt, or will it just train them to be better killers?I'm looking for a solution that means the cats are ok and the mice are ok (besides keeping the cats locked in - which restricts the cats) . Please don't post with "let cats be cats" or "it's only natural".I see people have misunderstood my question. I don't have a mouse problem, the mice are all outside and do not bother me in the slightest. I DON'T want to kill them.Also - I don't think that it's not natural. i know it is, but it doesn't make it any better for the mice or me. And it doesn't solve my problem.

      Is there a way to stop a cat from killing mice?

      Is there a way to stop a cat from killing mice? General Dog Discussions
    • no you can't. even the most well fed cat still has a hunting instinct.fake mice might help but then again it can just improve hunting skills as well.declawing could reduce the chance of killing.

    • the solution lies with you, not with your cats. what you need to do is change your attitude towards mice. i know you don't want to hear it, but mice are cats' natural prey, and the whole point of cats being domesticated in the first place was to catch mice and could try putting a collar on the cat with a bell on it, but most cats find this humiliating and frustrating.don't keep your cat locked indoors; it's not fair on the cat, and it will become possessive of the dwelling, and it can lead to the cat attacking strangers in the home.persuading a cat not to hunt mice is like persuading a squirrel not to climb trees, or persuading a baby not to put something in its mouth. these things are built in, they are part of the animal.

    • Well, you may not want to hear it, but it is instinctual behavior. I really don't think you can change it. Letting them play/hunt may replace their need to hunt, but I think it will depend on the cat.Really, though, it is dangerous for cats to be outside. They could get hit by cars, attacked by other animals, exposed to many diseases including rabies, or snatched by someone who wants a pet or an animal to mess with.I know you don't want to restrict them, but it would be the best idea. What about getting their front paws declawed? Personally, I think declawing is dreadful, but it is another option.Best of luck...

    • Cats are nature's little serial killers. Cats are the spawn of Satan.Cats don't kill for food, they kill for the fun of it.Cats are the nastiest things to walk the earth. I'd rather face 100 wolverines then ONE cat. Good luck, you will NOT get them to stop, cats are stupid and can not be trained. Leave the damn beast INSIDE. If your mice are inside, get traps.

    • sorry but do u know how often mice breed and have litters?? Do urself a favour and let the cats kill them or buy mouse traps. Why would u want to live in an unhygienic environment? There is no way to train a cat not to catch mice, its an instinct!

    • do not be fooled, those evil mice are conspiring against you.the cats are saving you from yourself. the day the cats go is the day you find feces under your pillow and bite marks on you nads...

    • Cat -> pet , mice -> pests , call pests control guy to kill all mouse in your house... because that's discusting you know. that mouse can spread diseas ... and your cat catch them.. then few minutes later you play with your cat.... that's not healthy, you should becarefull.

    • One decision every cat owner must make is whether or not their feline friend will be allowed outdoors. Many people feel that keeping their kitties indoors deprives them of a full life. However, one must consider that the average life span of a totally outdoor cat is about a year and a half, while a totally indoor cat is expected to live upwards of 15 years.Aside from the obvious dangers of car fan belts and tires, toxic plants, dogs and cruel people, there are many hidden dangers to cats allowed outdoors. Life-threatening dangers include:* Diseases for which we currently do not have vaccines for (Feline Aids),or vaccines that are not reliably effective(Feline Leukemia, Feline Infectious Peritonitis).* Heartworm. Yes, it is true that a cat can get heartworm, through mosquito bites. Shorthairs are at higher risk than longhairs.* Antifreeze. Its sweet taste is irresistible to cats, and a cat who has walked through a small pool of antifreeze and cleans its paws has ingested a fatal dose.* Skin cancer. Light colored kitties (especially white) are at risk for skin cancer of the ears due to exposure to direct sunlight.* Hanging/choking. Those neat little cat collars which do not provide breakaway or stretch releases have killed many a cat.* Fighting among outdoor kitties not only spreads disease, it can result in painful abscesses which require medical attention (an untreated abscess can kill a cat). Unaltered tom cats are prime candidates for such fighting, not to mention they will impregnate any and all receptive females they come upon.* Toxoplasmosis. A single celled organism that cats can ingest while eating prey that has been exposed. Not only can it kill a cat, it is contagious to people and can result in severe birth defects to human babies whose mothers are exposed during pregnancy. Wearing rubber gloves while handling litter pan duties and gardening is highly recommended for pregnant women. Finding another home for your cherished pet is NOT necessary.As if that is not enough food for thought, consider our wildlife. Cats kill many songbirds each year, plus rabbits, squirrels, mice, chipmunks, reptiles, etc. Most areas are not overrun with these creatures, and cats are not performing a necessary service by killing them.Being neat creatures, cats bury their feces. It's not a lot of fun to be digging in your garden and get a handful of that! Not to mention that kitty excrement is not an effective fertilizer, or that your neighbor will probably not see the humor of their gardens being dug up and destroyed...Non-life threatening things outdoor cats are exposed to can serve to make our human lives miserable also. Fleas, ticks and mites would just as soon bite you as they would the family pet, and getting them out of your home is expensive and time-consuming. These parasites can also carry life-threatening diseases. Kitties who come inside with motor oil or used chewing gum on their bodies and sit on your antique sofas cause quite a stir, also. Ringworm is sometimes contracted by a cat while outdoors digging in the dirt; this fungus is very contagious to humans.Cats do not observe property lines by any means. To them, a fence is something to climb on, not a barrier. Your neighbor may not have a problem shooting, trapping or poisoning your family pet.There are so many obvious benefits to keeping your cat indoors. Indoor cats are no lazier or less happy than their outdoor counterparts. Provide a window perch for them, put out a bird feeder for entertainment. There are so many toys available for cats now, both the interactive kind (a stick with a string with something fun on the end), and the toys that do not require human intervention. Avoid toys which have small parts that can come off and cause choking or gastrointestinal problems. A paper grocery bag will provide hours of entertainment for your kitty. A scratching post of some kind is a necessity.An indoor/outdoor cat can easily be made a totally indoor cat with perseverance on your part. They may resent their confinement for a short time, but they will adjust. Another option is a safe outdoor enclosure. It must be carefully constructed, as you need to keep other animals OUT, as well as your cat in. Screen porches work well, too, just be sure to give the kitty some way to get back into your house if they need to.Many cats live their entire lives without ever setting foot on grass. The difference in their life expectancy as well as quality of life speaks for itself.