Is there a type of food that you should never give a cat?

Kind of like how you would never feed a dog chocolate, is there anything a cat should never eat?

    Is there a type of food that you should never give a cat?

    Kind of like how you would never feed a dog chocolate, is there anything a cat should never eat?...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there a type of food that you should never give a cat?...

    • Is there a type of food that you should never give a cat?

      Is there a type of food that you should never give a cat? General Dog Discussions
      Kind of like how you would never feed a dog chocolate, is there anything a cat should never eat?

      Is there a type of food that you should never give a cat?

      Is there a type of food that you should never give a cat? General Dog Discussions
    • stuff with sugar, rice, and all most anything human food of course, with meat as an exception. and if your cat is used to a certain type of food, dont switch right away, switch gradualy!

    • I'll tell you exactly what I told someone last week, as the internet's sources of "bad people food for pets" rarely lists leeks, shallots, red clover, and raw alfalfa. I feel these should be well-known to all cat owners.Onions, garlic, shallots, and leeks can cause Heinz body anemia. Shallots and leeks are closely related to onions, so they're not as "potent" as an onion, but it'll do damage.Vegetables in the Nightshade family (ie, white, red, or Yukon gold potatoes; tomatoes; bell peppers; and eggplant) as the solanine they contain can cause digestive upsets (diarrhea and/or vomiting if fed too much)Raw alfalfa and red clover; contain coumarin, an anticoagulant. (Prevents blood from clotting)Milk, as cats are lactose intolerant. Diarrhea is usually the result.Grapes, raisins, highly toxic in either form.Chocolate (especially baker's chocolate and dark chocolate) the theobromine it contains affects the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, and it can cause nausea/vomiting, rapid heart beat, heart attacks, and seizure.And the least dangerous on the list: Radishes are difficult to digest, so it'll cause gas and bloating.Although you should discourage fruits, grains, and veggies altogether. While they won't show an immediate toxic effect, a regular intake of plant-matter will lead to obesity and diabetes in cats., although many will advise against it, raw eggs are actually good for cats, and they will only bind biotin if you're feeding WAY more whites than yolk. If you feed the whole egg, it evens out. Did you read the link that you posted? It says this at the bottom:"A note about taurine; taurine is essential for cats and is only found in animal tissues. It is therefore not advised to feed your cat a strict vegetarian diet. Cats by their nature are carnivores - they have been designed to eat meat and need a diet that contains both organ and muscle meats."And it only says to avoid raw fish, which, I agree with. Fish should never be the staple of any cat's diet, but for the omegas, it's a good treat.

    • Dry cat food. Dry cat food is terribly bad for cats. People don't seem to understand this. Cats are carnivores. There bodies and digestive systems are made to consume meat. Not plant material. Most dry cat food is made of corn, fillers, animal by products, and trace chemicals. Not only are these things gross but they can also give your cat cancer! It would be very hard to find a brand of dry cat food that has less than 40% plant material, because any less than that and it would crumble to bits instead of retaining its shape. Dry cat food also causes liver problems and dental issues. For more info go to the link, and spread the truth about dry cat food.