My Dog won't Poop! Is there anything natural I can feed her to help her?

I recently took my dog to the vet because she wasn't able to poop due to build up. The vet cleaned her hole up however its been three days since she has pooped. Is there any natural food I can feed her to clean up her system and help her?

    My Dog won't Poop! Is there anything natural I can feed her to help her?

    I recently took my dog to the vet because she wasn't able to poop due to build up. The vet cleaned her hole up however its been three days since she has pooped. Is there any natural food I can feed her to clean up her system and help her?...
    General Dog Discussions : My Dog won't Poop! Is there anything natural I can feed her to help her?...

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    • My Dog won't Poop! Is there anything natural I can feed her to help her?

      My Dog won't Poop! Is there anything natural I can feed her to help her? General Dog Discussions
      I recently took my dog to the vet because she wasn't able to poop due to build up. The vet cleaned her hole up however its been three days since she has pooped. Is there any natural food I can feed her to clean up her system and help her?

      My Dog won't Poop! Is there anything natural I can feed her to help her?

      My Dog won't Poop! Is there anything natural I can feed her to help her? General Dog Discussions
    • One of the main causes of constipation is insufficient water, often coupled with too much time between potty breaks. Things you can try: Make sure you dog always has plenty of fresh water to flush her intestinal tract. Add vegetables to her diet.Give plenty of exercise, either walking or playing fetch or anything which will stimulate her bowels. Offer canned pumpkin in its pureed form (not pumpkin pie filling)Offer a small bowl of milk.Wet food is garbage unless it's some really good stuff. Made of already dead horses, disease ridden animals can be in animal chow. And the facilities are awful!. No more wet food, he's blocked and most likely going to get fat in an unhealthy residual manner. Dryfood has plenty of good stuff, rice, lamb meal, chicken, corn, etc., Buy expensive good decent dry food and sometimes let him have some of your real meat from your plate before you feed him canned. He's a dog, not a human, and we humans ruin our health with our diets. Yucky ingrediants taste fine, but are certainly not healthy. He won't eat dry food properly if you're mucking his diet up. 12 oz of canned food is like you eating a 2 LB SIRLOIN EVERY DAY! after a little while you'd get worn out and well blocked. Buy a book on healthy foods for dogs I used to groom and these dogs need regular diets and they can get really ill from too much rich food. Heart problems, liver, joints, eyesight etc.,A little oil will work. Get him a single oz of fish, like salmon or tuna and he will clear out. Then be cautious, buy toys instead of overfeeding. P.S. expensive and read the ingrediant list, science diet has issues, and Eukanuba and a few others, never purina! I use Iams sometimes, or natures best those are good. But read!

    • canned pumpkin helps very well with constipation in dogs and what's great about it is that it's very gentle on their stomach. Just give about 1-2 Tablespoons. I give my dogs Libby's canned pumpkin whenever they're having stomach problems