How do I become a certified pet sitter or mostly dog sitter?

I'm 17 years old and I need help on how to become a certified dog sitter or pet sitter so I can get payed this way to start out on job experience. I don't know how to be a certified dog sitter so I need information. thanks. ALSO I need to become one…

    How do I become a certified pet sitter or mostly dog sitter?

    I'm 17 years old and I need help on how to become a certified dog sitter or pet sitter so I can get payed this way to start out on job experience. I don't know how to be a certified dog sitter so I need information. thanks. ALSO I need to become one…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I become a certified pet sitter or mostly dog sitter?...

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    • How do I become a certified pet sitter or mostly dog sitter?

      How do I become a certified pet sitter or mostly dog sitter? General Dog Discussions
      I'm 17 years old and I need help on how to become a certified dog sitter or pet sitter so I can get payed this way to start out on job experience. I don't know how to be a certified dog sitter so I need information. thanks. ALSO I need to become one before April. I want to start a buisiness at a young age. Any advice for a pet sitting buisiness? As I love animals.

      How do I become a certified pet sitter or mostly dog sitter?

      How do I become a certified pet sitter or mostly dog sitter? General Dog Discussions
    • As a professional pet sitter for 4 years I can share some information with you. If you want to do this type of work to make some extra money or as a hobby there shouldn't be anything holding you back (except competition from professional pet sitting services). If you want to do this to start a legitimate business, any business," at a young age" because you "love animals", you may be in for a surprise.The minimum age to enter into a contract is 18 so, given your age, you won't legally be able to have clients sign a contract with you.Now that the legalities are out of the way, there are 2 professional organizations that offer courses on becoming a certified/accredited pet sitter. One is PSI/Pet Sitters International. You need to join their organization for $140 per year then pay for the certification materials for another $240. The other is NAPPS/National Association of Professional Pet Sitters. They don't require you to be a member to take their course but the course fee is $395 for non members. Both organizations also require you to pay a fee every few years in order to maintain your certification.If you want to be a professional sitter who appears trustworthy I strongly suggest purchasing insurance and bonding. The minimum price for those is approximately $200+/- per year.Certification and insurance/bonding will be the 2 biggest costs. You will also need to advertise your business via a website (highly recommended to make it easier for potential clients to find you), business cards, brochures, postcards, etc. These costs can be minimal.Given that you haven't searched for information on your own and are looking for someone else to provide you with what you'll need to start a business I would go out on a limb and say that you aren't ready to be a business owner. What is the urgency in doing this before April? You're young, you have your whole life ahead of you and sound eager. Take this slow, do what another poster mentioned and volunteer at an animal shelter or rescue (great on the job training), apply for veterinary assistant or kennel positions at local vets, start out where you're comfortable, gain knowledge by reading everything you can about pets and pet care.If you are going to invest time and money to do something it's important to start out doing it well. If the information I've given you is beyond your financial means or time constraints, your best bet is to pet sit as a hobby, a way to make some extra money, without going the professional route. In several years, with experience, knowledge and maturity under your belt you can research on how to start a professional business.