Would it be rude to ask the vet to clip my dogs nails?

My 8 year old chihuahua screams like those girls in horror movies then starts doing the death roll like an alligator and starts biting if I try and clip his nails. So not surprisingly his nails are overgrown. I plan to take him to remove plaque from his…

    Would it be rude to ask the vet to clip my dogs nails?

    My 8 year old chihuahua screams like those girls in horror movies then starts doing the death roll like an alligator and starts biting if I try and clip his nails. So not surprisingly his nails are overgrown. I plan to take him to remove plaque from his…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would it be rude to ask the vet to clip my dogs nails?...

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    • Would it be rude to ask the vet to clip my dogs nails?

      Would it be rude to ask the vet to clip my dogs nails? General Dog Discussions
      My 8 year old chihuahua screams like those girls in horror movies then starts doing the death roll like an alligator and starts biting if I try and clip his nails. So not surprisingly his nails are overgrown. I plan to take him to remove plaque from his teeth which he has to be put under. So can the vet clip his nails for me while hes sleeping? Would he be offended by it or just charge me extra $10 or something?

      Would it be rude to ask the vet to clip my dogs nails?

      Would it be rude to ask the vet to clip my dogs nails? General Dog Discussions
    • No its a standard procedure. The vet I work at does it as a complimentary service while they are under, same with cleaning the ears. Trust me, they prefer it if the dog is under esp if the pup is a screamer. However, he might charge but it shouldnt be very much, but they will not be insulted.

    • Nothing offensive here. Some dogs are real pain when it comes to nail cutting and sedation is an only option. It will take them probably less than a minute to do it and they will charge you a little.Your dog's nails have to be clipped regularly, it's unhealthy to let them grow too long.Look into regular sessions at the vet or do some positive reinforcement training to help you dog realize that nail clippers aren't a weapon of turture. There are plenty of resources online.

    • Dont worry dear, its absolutely okay to take your sweetie [chihuahua] to a vet :) .. clipping nails is part of the vet service and they will charge u on fixed rate. I understand your doubt about how this impossible act is to be achieved since we all love our dogs and you will be really surprised to know they tend to act all naughty while someone tries to tend to their nails.. so be relaxed , the vet knows all about this and does have the necessary diversions and tools needed to make the experience as soothing and stress free for your dog as possible. don't even try to clip her nails at home if she/ he is anything like my own naughty ones( i got 2 of them), they will act all martyr , and in nervousness you may end up hurting both yourself and your dog.Overgrown nails are to be treated immediately because the more long they are , the more it irritates them, causing them pain everyday. so do not fear , just contact a good vet or animal hospital in your area.. they will have the best equipments and staffs to deal with the situation.

    • No it is not rude to ask the vet to clip your dog's nails lol. That is what vets are there for. I was charged $ 10 extra to have my dogs nails clipped when she was put under to get spayed. So go ahead and get them done while he is getting his teeth cleaned I am sure the vet will be happy to do it for you.

    • Please ask the vet to address the nails while your dog is under anesthesia. If the nails are very overgrown, it will be painful for them to be clipped. Having him asleep will make it much less painful and scary, plus, if the quicks are cut back, the vet can stop bleeding and tend to them. The vet will clip nails for you. Address the overgrown nail issue during his dental and ask for a schedule to bring him in for regular trims. Many dogs dislike having their nails done, but will act better for the vet staff than their families.My vet does a complimentary nail clip when dogs are under for general procedures. Your vet may charge, but it will be a small fee. Most vets charge $15 or less to do nails. Good luck.