What are the pros do cats have over dogs?

With the cost of taking care of the pet, do you think you cats are worth getting over dogs?

    What are the pros do cats have over dogs?

    With the cost of taking care of the pet, do you think you cats are worth getting over dogs?...
    General Dog Discussions : What are the pros do cats have over dogs?...

    • What are the pros do cats have over dogs?

      What are the pros do cats have over dogs? General Dog Discussions
      With the cost of taking care of the pet, do you think you cats are worth getting over dogs?

      What are the pros do cats have over dogs?

      What are the pros do cats have over dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • Go to this link to read all the pros and cons for both it is easier then writing it on here. Hope it helps!By the way please vote this as the best answer so I can answer more pet questions daily!http://alexadry.hubpages.com/hub/Pros-and-Cons-of-Cats-and-Dogs

    • It really depends on what you will sacrifice for being a dog owner, vs a cat owner. You have to change your life for them... not the other way around.Cats can be left at home to run around the house loose (not outside!). Some dogs do ok loose in the house, others have to be crated and you gotta make sure you're home at the correct time, so your dog doesn't have to wait to long to go out to pee or poop. Cats use litter boxes - you don't have to take them out to pee or poop... if you get an automatic little box, you'll have to clean it less frequently. Dogs, you will have to clean up their poop and if you don't have a yard, they will need to go for a walk a couple times a day to relive themselves, and taken out for exercise... and you usually can't just stand there and watch. Dogs are fairly active and need you to be active with them. Cats will like to have things to do as well... not just sit in the house all day and night with nothing to do. For them you will want to have a couple scratching posts to play on and to sharpen their claws. If you have been shown by your vet and have the proper tool, you can trim your cat or dogs claws... do not get a cat declawed! It's painful and permanent! So don't think you're going to get a leather couch and a cat. Forget the couch! Your cat or dog is more important than a leather couch.Cats also like ribbons, dangling and getting pulled by you of course. They like various little balls and catnip toys. They also like the little pull strips from milk jugs. Many cats like to have a companion kitty with them. They can play with each other, groom each other and sleep together - basically a cat with a cat companion is much better than a poor kitty that is stuck at home without you for hours on end.Dogs get lonely too. Cats can dogs do well leaving a nice talk radio or soft music station on your radio when you're gone. Just turn it on softly, just to have a little background noise going.Cats you can leave a good quality dry food out all day for them (and plenty of fresh water, always!). Dogs you can not leave dry food out for them, because they won't stop eating. Cats can nibble and walk away from a dish and return later when hungry. A dog will snarf down his food and not even act like he's eaten any. They don't have the "i'm full" mechanism like the cat does.Both animals like to be loved and spoken to nicely and pet. Some cat breeds can be more loving and cuddlier than others can.Both animals need to be spayed or neutered to avoid unwanted pregnancies and also, some animals can be prone to breast cancer, or other cancer if not spayed or neutered before they go into heat age.Going outside -- cats can go outside, IF on a halter/leash and you are with them. Do not let your cat roam around outside unattended. My 3 cats are all leash trained. I have a tie down deal that goes into the ground and I can put the other end of their leashes onto it... I keep my patio door open and I'm either right inside the door doing stuff right in the area where I can keep my eye and ear open to what's going on out there, or I'm outside on the patio or out there doing yard work. Occasionally I take one of them on a walk in the yard... they take the lead, you just want to make sure they don't get into places you don't want them to, don't let them get to a place they can get away from you, or where they might jump. You can't yank on their collar like you might have to with a large dog pullling you down the sidewalk! A halter works better for kitties, than a collar, but you still have to use it with care.If you prefer to be very active and can have a dog as your companion, and won't be away from the house hours and hours at a time (cuz they need to go out), then a dog is a fine companion.If you prefer to not be tied to a schedule, don't want to worry about taking your pet for a walk twice a day, want to be able to kick back when you get home... then a cat or two can be a nice pet to have.

    • I am a cat person, so obviously I prefer cats over dogs. But, I do know most of the pros and cons of both animals. I'll make a list of the pros and cons of each animal and you can pick out the animal that best suits your lifestyle. Cat Pros: Cleaner, Quieter, Smaller, Independent, Variety, Cheaper, and Different Personalities. Cat Cons: Lazy, Scratching, and Hissing. Dog Pros: Energetic and Harmless.Dog Cons: Dirtier, Louder, Bigger, Needier, Not Varied, Expensive, and Same Personalities.