What will happen if a dog eats chocolate?

My dog ate chocolate icecream, and we do not have a vet. so what should I do?Please don't be rude?OR LIE just to make me sad!

    What will happen if a dog eats chocolate?

    My dog ate chocolate icecream, and we do not have a vet. so what should I do?Please don't be rude?OR LIE just to make me sad!...
    General Dog Discussions : What will happen if a dog eats chocolate?...

    • What will happen if a dog eats chocolate?

      What will happen if a dog eats chocolate? General Dog Discussions
      My dog ate chocolate icecream, and we do not have a vet. so what should I do?Please don't be rude?OR LIE just to make me sad!

      What will happen if a dog eats chocolate?

      What will happen if a dog eats chocolate? General Dog Discussions
    • He'll be fine, I give my dog my choc ice cream bowl to lick all the time and he's 14, I don't get all these people saying its toxic, My dog has ate for many years, and he is healthy, he has regular checkups, so whats your answers to this, what my dog is Superdog, he's different from the others, Don't answer questions that you really no nothing about

    • Don't feed it to them again. It isn't going to hurt the dog at all. But repetative exposure to it can lead to worms... A dog can eat a few candy bars and not get worms... But it can't be a regular thing. I guess your dog is lucky and content with a nice treat. I wish I had ice cream :(

    • if it ate alot you should try and induce vomiting. there is a at home remedy you can use on a dog to induce vomiting, try looking online. or maybe try calling animal poison control. hope your dog is okay, call a vet or something, look in the yellow pages, call 411 or online.

    • It can become very sick and die.My friends dog ate a tray of brownies and they had to rush it to the vet.Their it gave had to have charcoal pumped into its stomach to get rid of the toxins.It was very expensive

    • Dogs will not die if they eat chocolate, unless they are severely allergic to it. Like anything else, if your dog becomes ill, take it to the vet. You shouldn't own ANY pet if you cannot take it to the vet.

    • "The problem, according to veterinary experts, is that eating a speck of chocolate leads a dog to crave more. It can mean that your dog will jump at a opportunity to get any type of chocolate, not knowing that certain chocolates are more lethal than other types. Larger amounts of chocolate, particularly of the most toxic type, can bring about epileptic seizures in some dogs, and in all dogs, can kill...Chocolate contains theobromine. A naturally occurring stimulant found in the cocoa bean, theobromine increases urination and affects the central nervous system as well as heart muscle. While amounts vary by type of chocolate, it's the theobromine that is poisonous to dogs."

    • There is a chemical in chocolate that can make dogs very sick, but they would have to eat a LOT of it. I 20 lb dog would have to eat about a pound of pure chocolate bar to get sick. I have a 75 lb golden who loves it, so we treat her sometimes!

    • Chocolate contains theobromine that is toxic to dogs in sufficient quantities. This is a xanthine compound in the same family of caffeine, and theophylline.Xanthines affect the nervous system, cardiovascular system and peripheral nerves. It has a diuretic effect as well. Clinical signs:Hyper excitabilityHyper irritabilityIncreased heart rateRestlessnessIncreased urinationMuscle tremorsVomitingDiarrhea

    • Most of the time if they didn't eat alot, they may just get some G.I. problems, diarrhea or upset stomach. I don't think there is enough real chocolate in ice cream to do much harm. Dark chocolate is much more likely to make them sick than any other kind, but it's best to not let them get at any chocolate at all.