How can I get my dog to go outside?

People have been setting fireworks off all day and my dog is sitting in her basket and won't come up the woods with me. She is also panting but she is nervous since she is a rescue dog. I know she needs to go out but how can I persuade her. I've tried…

    How can I get my dog to go outside?

    People have been setting fireworks off all day and my dog is sitting in her basket and won't come up the woods with me. She is also panting but she is nervous since she is a rescue dog. I know she needs to go out but how can I persuade her. I've tried…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I get my dog to go outside?...

    • How can I get my dog to go outside?

      How can I get my dog to go outside? General Dog Discussions
      People have been setting fireworks off all day and my dog is sitting in her basket and won't come up the woods with me. She is also panting but she is nervous since she is a rescue dog. I know she needs to go out but how can I persuade her. I've tried bribing her with a tiny bit of chocolate she won't(dog chocolate) come out. What could I do. Even used her ball.She is like panting and usually does it when she is desperate. (deserate rarely we usually take her out)

      How can I get my dog to go outside?

      How can I get my dog to go outside? General Dog Discussions
    • Put a leash on her, pick her up, and set her outside. Don't let her back in until she has done her business. Turn up the TV or a radio so she's distracted from the fireworks sounds.

    • DO NOT take her outside.It's very common for dogs who are outside during thunderstorms or fireworks to escape the yard and run away because they're so scared.If she wants to stay in, let her. How do you know she has to go potty? Even if she does, she'll be able to hold it in.