do you know why dogs can die from chocloclate?

Why cant dogs eat chocolate? I always have wondered why. Does it have something in there that is poisoning to them?

    do you know why dogs can die from chocloclate?

    Why cant dogs eat chocolate? I always have wondered why. Does it have something in there that is poisoning to them?...
    General Dog Discussions : do you know why dogs can die from chocloclate?...

    • do you know why dogs can die from chocloclate?

      do you know why dogs can die from chocloclate? General Dog Discussions
      Why cant dogs eat chocolate? I always have wondered why. Does it have something in there that is poisoning to them?

      do you know why dogs can die from chocloclate?

      do you know why dogs can die from chocloclate? General Dog Discussions
    • Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine which both of these agents can affect the central nervous system and the heart in dogs. Simply dogs cannot metabolize theobromine as well as humans can- which can lead to it reaching toxic levels.

    • The worst a Hershey bar can do to you is add an inch to your hips. But that same candy – even in relatively small amounts – can make a dog very sick. Make no mistake: For them, chocolate is poison. In addition to a high fat content, chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, two different types of stimulants that affect the central nervous system and the heart muscle, as well as increasing the frequency of urination.

    • I have always wondered why dogs can't eat chocolate, until I recently found out that, as you said, there is poison-like ingredients that can hurt them. I don't believe that they can digest it. But don't worry! What I said about poison only counts for dogs, not humans!

    • The reason chocolate is harmful is because it contains Theobromine, it is toxic to can cause hyperactivity, kidney damage, increased or irregular heart beat, muscle tremors, vomiting and diarrhoea.They may pass large amounts of urine and be excessively thirsty.lf eaten in large amounts it can kill.