Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate?

My dog, a very small shih tzu, probably 10 pounds at the max, ate about 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate before we caught her in the act. They weren't big pieces, but I'm still concerned. Does anyone know a good way to make her throw it up quickly?

    Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate?

    My dog, a very small shih tzu, probably 10 pounds at the max, ate about 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate before we caught her in the act. They weren't big pieces, but I'm still concerned. Does anyone know a good way to make her throw it up quickly?...
    General Dog Discussions : Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate?...

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    • yea i would definatly call the vet. My dog did the same thing except it was a whole dish of chocolates. I dont think it affected him cause he weighs about 130 lbs

    • the best thing to do is to let it pass. i had the same experience i have a chihuahua who is FIVE pounds and had the same amount of chocolate. Since he's littler (my dog) it would have a bigger impact on mine. But i let him let it out the backside and he was just fine. basically, as long as it didn't eat like a half pound of chocolate then you should be okay. But if you're really concerned, then call the vet. They can tell you what's best.

    • make him/her eat grass! dogs usually eat it when their teeth start hurting or itching but if they eat a lot then they automatically throw up to clean up their stomach's! my pitbull always dose that when i walk him! he just sees tall grass goes up to it and starts chewing on it! then couple of minutes later he just stops and throws up!

    • You should go to a vet.Chocolate, as you probably already know, is toxic to dogs, and is fatal to most of them.So unless you don't want a dog anymore, go to the vet.

    • I wouldn't make her throw up. It's a very small amount of chocolate. Instead, feed her a bunch of food that you know she loves to kind of dilute the chocolate. Call your vet to verify that this is ok. You DO NOT need to make her vomit for such a small amount - unless it was large pieces of dark chocolate.

    • Hydrogen peroxide. give one teaspoon and that should do it. You should only do this if the chocolate was eaten in the last 45 mins or less.It takes 1 oz of pure chocolate per lb of body weight to cause a severe reaction in most dogs. But it's always best to have them purge it to be safe. Purging/ vomiting after 45 mins or so won't be very effective because the chocolate will have already begun to digest substantially.

    • I wouldn't. The throwing up will most likely be more damaging than the chocolate. I wouldn't worry too much about it, but if you can't stop thinking about it, give the dog some extra food to dilute the chocolate in his stomach.

    • I'd just watch her; wouldn't take her to the vet unless she starts acting sick. If it was milk chocolate, I definitely would be concerned.And, I'm not sure you can make a dog throw up anyway...

    • She may be okay. I know dogs that eat a ton of chocolate and are totally healthy. I suggest you call a vet. Because it's very likely that making her throw up is just as bad if not worse than her eating chocolate. Besides, that's pretty cruel.

    • What kind of chocolate? How big were the pieces? Here's a guide about chocolate toxicity that will help you decide if your small dog is in danger: it wasn't dark chocolate your dog should be okay. Call to confirm with a Vet about using hydrogen peroxide to get the dog to throw up, and get the amount the Vet recommends, IF the dog ate enough of some dark chocolate to be a threat.My GSD ate a whole bag and the Vet said he'd be worried had she been a small dog and eaten that amount (minature chocolates, full bag- wrappers and all) or if it had been Baker's chocolate.A small Maltese a friend owned ate eight singly wrapped pieces of dark chocolate the Christmas before this past one and died.

    • Most dogs will have no ill effects from one time eating unless it was dark chocolate. The easiest way to make a dog vomit is to get a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and pour it in the dog's throat. After that it takes about 30 seconds for the dog to begin vomiting.

    • it will be fine. if your dog has been known to get sick from small amounts that shouldnt be eaten then do something, but if its not youll be okay. I have a great dane which is different, but she ate three or four pounds [yes, i know] of chocolate and she is fine.

    • Salt water works for humans so it should work for a dog but as a good dog owner I would get her to the nearest emergency vet as quickly as possible as chocolate is poison for all dogs. If you are in the U.K. try your nearest Vets Now or try a Pet Doctors branch, Vets Now give advice over the phone, if you aren't in the U.K. then phone your normal vet and if it is out of hours they should either have an emergency vet number or you will be able to talk to a vet and they can give you some real advice.