What should I do for my dog that got into insulation?

He was tearing it apart, but I don't know if he ate any of it. When I let him in the house (after I realized what he was up to) he was hacking a little bit, then drinking water. He did cough a little flem up.He is a one year old yellow lab.This happened…

    What should I do for my dog that got into insulation?

    He was tearing it apart, but I don't know if he ate any of it. When I let him in the house (after I realized what he was up to) he was hacking a little bit, then drinking water. He did cough a little flem up.He is a one year old yellow lab.This happened…...
    General Dog Discussions : What should I do for my dog that got into insulation?...

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    • What should I do for my dog that got into insulation?

      What should I do for my dog that got into insulation? General Dog Discussions
      He was tearing it apart, but I don't know if he ate any of it. When I let him in the house (after I realized what he was up to) he was hacking a little bit, then drinking water. He did cough a little flem up.He is a one year old yellow lab.This happened at 4:30 - 5:00 pm Friday night. It's now 4 am (Sat), he is acting fine at the moment. Are vet offices open on Saturdays?

      What should I do for my dog that got into insulation?

      What should I do for my dog that got into insulation? General Dog Discussions
    • Relax.. unless he ate alot he's ok.. my lil Chihuahua pup ate a chunk of insulation the other day.. like the size of a quarter or two.. and the worst thing was pooping it out.. (it got stuck.. eww i kno.. ) but he'll be ok.. if u think he ate alot then definately take him to the vet.. but they can't really take it out now..

    • You need to get him to a vet. Insulation is not even good for people to inhale let alone dogs especially when they eat it. Anybody i ever seen work with insulation they wore masks. I don't know i think that you need to get him to a vet. A lot of vets are open on Saturdays till noon, but if they are not open they should have a # on there machine for emergency's to an animal hospital that will most likely be open on Saturday.

    • My brother friend at school had a similar problem. The lad in question would have a craving for foam rubber, he ate the bath sponge at home and eat the lineing of my brothers coat as it was foam material. The lad used to drink a lot but never seemed to suffer, and apparently he hardly ever needed to use loo paper as he just sort of self-wiped. Every cloud at all that!

    • Yes vets are open Saturdays. Get your dog in NOW. I'm no vet but I'd be more concerned with inhalation/aspiration pneumonia from breathing it in as those particles are filled with toxic chemicals, dirt, mold, fungus, virus and the lungs are the perfect place to grow pathogens and cause pneumonia. I really hope you wore a respiratory mask while you were doing this as well. Good Luck.

    • all the vets i ever went to were open on saturdays. i have lived in 4 states. did you look in the phone book for emergency vets? we have taken our dogs a couple of times through the years. they are a little more $$, but it is worth the piece of mine for yourself and the comfort of the animal.

    • Get him to your vet asap! He may not have swallowed any, but it will be stuck in between he's teeth and do serious damage to his gums. Not to mention that he has probably inhaled it to!! If there is any in his lungs, his body will hopefully react to it quickly and create a lypoma type cyst (scar tissue) around it to prevent it from moving around. Although this is GLASS inside the body...