what can cause a dog to suddenly begin labored breathing and then death all within 2 hours?

for about four days she had a little choke/gag she would do but not often at all and I am around her a lot. Then one afternoon her chest cavity began moving differently and working a harder, not panting heavy, just labored chest movements. I took her to…

    what can cause a dog to suddenly begin labored breathing and then death all within 2 hours?

    for about four days she had a little choke/gag she would do but not often at all and I am around her a lot. Then one afternoon her chest cavity began moving differently and working a harder, not panting heavy, just labored chest movements. I took her to…...
    General Dog Discussions : what can cause a dog to suddenly begin labored breathing and then death all within 2 hours?...

    • what can cause a dog to suddenly begin labored breathing and then death all within 2 hours?

      what can cause a dog to suddenly begin labored breathing and then death all within 2 hours? General Dog Discussions
      for about four days she had a little choke/gag she would do but not often at all and I am around her a lot. Then one afternoon her chest cavity began moving differently and working a harder, not panting heavy, just labored chest movements. I took her to the vet, in the office she began to foam at the mouth, we rushed her to an animal hospital but it was too late. She was a lab and only 6 yrs old.

      what can cause a dog to suddenly begin labored breathing and then death all within 2 hours?

      what can cause a dog to suddenly begin labored breathing and then death all within 2 hours? General Dog Discussions
    • When you get the necropsy results back you will have your answer.My guess is what factored in to what killed her was an owner that delayed taking her into the vet for at least four days.

    • My guess is some sort of heart defect or something lodged in her throat that moved just at that time? Did you get a necropsy done? I hope so. If not, call your Vet and request one or you'll never know the answer to this question.BTW, I apologize for some people who lack sensitivity in their answers. If the only indication you had of a problem was an occasional cough, I think many owners would have missed that.Condolences on the loss of your girl.