What breed of dog? Already ahve a chocolate lab!?

I have a little girl and ijm pregnant with quintuplets!!I already have a dog(chocolate lab) but since im having quintuplets i think we are gonna need more than one to learn responsibility and have fun with! i think its important to have a family pet so…

    What breed of dog? Already ahve a chocolate lab!?

    I have a little girl and ijm pregnant with quintuplets!!I already have a dog(chocolate lab) but since im having quintuplets i think we are gonna need more than one to learn responsibility and have fun with! i think its important to have a family pet so…...
    General Dog Discussions : What breed of dog? Already ahve a chocolate lab!?...

    • What breed of dog? Already ahve a chocolate lab!?

      What breed of dog? Already ahve a chocolate lab!? General Dog Discussions
      I have a little girl and ijm pregnant with quintuplets!!I already have a dog(chocolate lab) but since im having quintuplets i think we are gonna need more than one to learn responsibility and have fun with! i think its important to have a family pet so every one can learn responsibility by taking turns feedign it and things every morning. What breed do you suggest?? I dont wawnt another lab!!!

      What breed of dog? Already ahve a chocolate lab!?

      What breed of dog? Already ahve a chocolate lab!? General Dog Discussions
    • Honestly, I'd wait with a second dog. You're going to be really busy with 4 newborns. Wait until they are a little older to add a second dog. I think it'll save all of you, dog included a lot of stress.LMAO oops. That'll teach me to answer questions when I'm half awake and on the phone arguing with a stupid company.

    • I would seriously wait until the Quints are at LEAST 5-6 years old before getting another dog. Adjust to life with that many babies in the house, then get another pet - You're going to have your hands MORE than full and will have some serious life adjustments to make, you don't want (or need) the added stress of training a puppy on top of that!Congratulations!Edit - Hey Bindi, that's FIVE babies!

    • you could get a golden retriever they are very smart and kind and normally overall just very well behaved,if you want a smaller dog you could get a shetland sheepdog as they are fast learners caring and kind which would set a good example to the little ones!hope i helped:)

    • I suggest you wait before choosing to get a dog. You will have your hands full with your litter of babies, and you wont have the time or energy to properly care for another dog.When the babies are old enough to help with chores of caring for pets, perhaps then you can discuss adding more to the household.. you may decide upon another pet instead of a dog that is less demanding that the kids can help with.. such as a cat or a small caged pet.

    • You're having quints and you want another dog?? When will you find the time?? I suggest you wait until the Quints are at least 10 before getting a dog, babies don't learn responsibility, they need to be minumum of 10 to learn that.

    • I agree with the others about waiting a while for a second dog. You're going to have soooo much to do with the new babies on the way and wont be able to give your new pup enough time/attention. However if you're set on getting a new dog I would reccomend a large breed dog since you already have a lab and don't want it playing with a 2 pound teacup chihuahua or something of that sort plus they can take kids messing with them a lot easier then small breed dogs. Maybe a golden retriever...?

    • Having a baby is the most common reason that people give when sending dogs to rescue homes because they have a new addition to the family and they cant take care of it anymore etc......Most reputable breeders would not sell a pup to a family who are planning to grow their family on that basis, unless they had seriously given thought to the care of the dog when all attention is on the baby -the dog is part of the family too, one hopes.I would therefore wait until you have got yourself into a routine with your home and children and your existing dog before introducing a new one who needs all your attention and care too. It would not be fair on the dog - or the existing lab either who also has to cope with your new additions.

    • Well, I would wait, it puts a lot of stress on dogs to bring babies into a home, yet a puppy, they want all of the attention. I would definitely wait, it will be a lot easier for the puppy and your dog. Your dog is going to feel left out as it is, and to bring a new puppy in, not a good idea. I'd wait until your dog is completely comfortable with babies to even think about bringing a new puppy in. Good luck!

    • ok i know your not a troll but you need to know having five kids all at once is going going to be tough already so wait until they are about 4 or 5 years old when they can understand and maybe help you. beside that your having Quintuplets that is amazing. congrats and i wish you the best of luck with all six of your children.

    • i have a lab 6 month old who has chewed my bedroom carpet up and scratched some of the wall paper of also he had a wee all over my bed when i left him for a few second while i went to the shop. hes a fantastic dog now but what if your new dog does things like this to you, with a little girl already and 4 on the way what would you do. i couldn't cope with a dog and one baby never mind 4, you know it will be hard work. just be happy with what you have now. good luck with your new babies