What should I do if my dog ate chocolate?

My dog got a hold of some chocolate covered raisins that was on the table. I know chocolate is bad for dogs but can it kill them? He has been throwing up all night, what do I do?

    What should I do if my dog ate chocolate?

    My dog got a hold of some chocolate covered raisins that was on the table. I know chocolate is bad for dogs but can it kill them? He has been throwing up all night, what do I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : What should I do if my dog ate chocolate?...

    • What should I do if my dog ate chocolate?

      What should I do if my dog ate chocolate? General Dog Discussions
      My dog got a hold of some chocolate covered raisins that was on the table. I know chocolate is bad for dogs but can it kill them? He has been throwing up all night, what do I do?

      What should I do if my dog ate chocolate?

      What should I do if my dog ate chocolate? General Dog Discussions
    • Chocolate is one of the worst things your dog could ever eat! Chocolate is very bad to their system. So make sure your dog gets plenty of water and since it sounds like your dog didn't have too much chocolate it won't kill him. But, lots of chocolate could kill a dog so just be aware of that. About the throwing up part, you should just let nature take it's course. After a while your dog will most likely stop throwing up and he will get better. If he doesn't I recommend taking him to the vet. Good luck! :D