What do I do about my cats coughing?

I always hear my cat coughing but she isn't coughing fur balls or vomiting. My mom said she's just sick. She works at Petsmart but with the fish, not dogs. She said I should use Robitussin. So what can I do?She doesn't have the money to go to a vet. Is…

    What do I do about my cats coughing?

    I always hear my cat coughing but she isn't coughing fur balls or vomiting. My mom said she's just sick. She works at Petsmart but with the fish, not dogs. She said I should use Robitussin. So what can I do?She doesn't have the money to go to a vet. Is…...
    General Dog Discussions : What do I do about my cats coughing?...

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    • What do I do about my cats coughing?

      What do I do about my cats coughing? General Dog Discussions
      I always hear my cat coughing but she isn't coughing fur balls or vomiting. My mom said she's just sick. She works at Petsmart but with the fish, not dogs. She said I should use Robitussin. So what can I do?She doesn't have the money to go to a vet. Is there something OTC that'll help?

      What do I do about my cats coughing?

      What do I do about my cats coughing? General Dog Discussions
    • I you use a human cough medicine or any humane medicine it will kill your cat. What you should do is take the cat to the vet. If it is not a hairball your cat probably has an Upper Respiratory Infection which can, if it hasn't already, developed into pneumonia. this is not a wait and see situation. If your mom works at Petsmart, she knows how important animal health care is.