Whats the deal with Dogs and Chocolate?

I very strongly believed that dogs cannot and should not be given chocolate to eat. But, I have this book, "Dogs, Dog Breeds & Dog Care".In this book it says: "Most dogs enjoy chocolate" as a treat.So, that means its okay to give them chocolate ?…

    Whats the deal with Dogs and Chocolate?

    I very strongly believed that dogs cannot and should not be given chocolate to eat. But, I have this book, "Dogs, Dog Breeds & Dog Care".In this book it says: "Most dogs enjoy chocolate" as a treat.So, that means its okay to give them chocolate ?…...
    General Dog Discussions : Whats the deal with Dogs and Chocolate?...

    • Whats the deal with Dogs and Chocolate?

      Whats the deal with Dogs and Chocolate? General Dog Discussions
      I very strongly believed that dogs cannot and should not be given chocolate to eat. But, I have this book, "Dogs, Dog Breeds & Dog Care".In this book it says: "Most dogs enjoy chocolate" as a treat.So, that means its okay to give them chocolate ?

      Whats the deal with Dogs and Chocolate?

      Whats the deal with Dogs and Chocolate? General Dog Discussions
    • In very small amounts, it is okay. White chocolate is actually perfectly fine for them to have, except for all the sugar, because it contains no cocoa powder or anything like that. Dark chocolate is the worst and can be serious if it's ingested. But a couple of M&M's are actually fine for a dog to have. I actually saw some chocolate chips made for dogs in a pet store that contained cocoa powder, but your dog shouldn't have like over 10 in a day or something like that.

    • Chocolate is toxic to all dogs but at pet specialty stores like Petco & PetSmart they do have "chocolate" doggy treats. These probably have small amounts of chocolate in them. You should never feed your dog chocolate or try to make these treats yourself.

    • No no no no no.... its toxic to them... do not give it to them they can die. There are chocolate flavored dog treats that can be given to them but noooo chocolate!

    • No, it is not okay to give your dog chocolate. Almost most human food is bad for dogs. Chocolate can make your dog's stomach upset and dark chocolate can kill them. It has a chemical in it that is bad for them.I think that book meant that dogs will eat it if you give it to the them, not that you should feed it as a treat.

    • NONOONNONONONONONONONONONONONONONOONNONONONONONONONONONONONONONOONNONONONONONONONONONONONONONOONNONONONONONONONONONONONONONOONNONONONONONONONONONONONONONOONNONONONONONONONONONONONO!! theres lot of foods that humans can eat, and dogs cant chocolate is one of the main thingsalthough it DOES depent on _what kind of chocolate_ it is , for exmple: even a little bit of chocolate can seriously harm your dogbut a small amount of milk chocolate will probably not do anything. theres lots of other foods like mustard that your dog shouldnt eat. you should go to your library and pick up a book on what not to feed your dog, so you can get a better idea of it but in the mean time * dont give your dog chocolate* cause it can kill your dog

    • yes you can give your dog chocolate! but it has to be milk chocolate, and it can't be a lot. 1/2 a dove chocolate square is best.NEVER give your god Dark chocolate, coco powder or fudge all are lethal to your dog.

    • chocolate is toxic to dogs just a little bit can kill them type in on a search browser can dogs have chocolate. and if you dont believe us ask your vet, that book is wrong, wrong and more wrong. The darker the chocolate the more toxic it is but any chocolate can kill your dog! DO NOT GIVE YOUR DOG CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!

    • The general rule is no chocolate.However not chocolate is created equal. It really depends on the actual cocoa content of the chocolate to determine if that type of chocolate is harmful for your dog.However even if some types of chocolate ( like milk chocolate) are so diluted with other ingredients that it might not harm your dog it's still not good for them. If you want to give them chocolate go to a Petco and buy chocolate chip cookie especially made for dogs. It smells like chocolate looks like chocolate but it is not real chocolate.

    • Don't give them chocolate. I think that would be foolish. No, a small amount of chocolate is not going to harm a dog. But why a book would say to give them chocolate, I do not know. It's not good for you, and its not good for them either.This site has toxic doses of chocolate: http://www.dogownersdigest.com/news/library/chocolate-dog-poisoning.shtml

    • No it does not mean its ok. I really don't care if white (which isn't really chocolate to begin with) an milk chocolate do the least amount of harm. Chocolate is still junk food and shouldn't be given to dogs period. All that does is lead to dogs seeking it out and eventually consuming an amount or variety of chocolate that IS going to be harmful to them.The best policy is no chocolate period.

    • Most dogs would also enjoy D-con rat poison or antifreeze as a treat. Most dogs also enjoy eating feces for a treat. That doesn't mean it's ok to let them have it.Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, both of which can cause seizures and death in dogs if consumed in large enough amounts. The amount depends on the type of chocolate and the size of the dog (honestly, a 75lb dog would practically have to eat enough milk chocolate to send a human to the ER before it was deadly, a smaller dog could not afford to eat nearly as much and dark baker's chocolate is deadly in relatively small amounts even for large dogs).The toxic effects of theobromine and caffeine aside, chocolate contains a significant amount of fat and sugar which could trigger pancreatitis in some dogs (even if they only eat a small amount of it). Pancratitis in and of itself can be deadly if not treated, but it also significantly increases a dog's risk of developing diabetes.