Can my dog get his stomach flipped my eating to fast?

I seen a movie where they lost their dog to a flipped stomach. I am concerned because when i feed my dog he eats so fast. Is it really possible? And if it is what are some ways i can get him to eat slower?

    Can my dog get his stomach flipped my eating to fast?

    I seen a movie where they lost their dog to a flipped stomach. I am concerned because when i feed my dog he eats so fast. Is it really possible? And if it is what are some ways i can get him to eat slower?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can my dog get his stomach flipped my eating to fast?...

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    • Can my dog get his stomach flipped my eating to fast?

      Can my dog get his stomach flipped my eating to fast? General Dog Discussions
      I seen a movie where they lost their dog to a flipped stomach. I am concerned because when i feed my dog he eats so fast. Is it really possible? And if it is what are some ways i can get him to eat slower?

      Can my dog get his stomach flipped my eating to fast?

      Can my dog get his stomach flipped my eating to fast? General Dog Discussions
    • If a dog eats too fast, yes it can, the stomach gets tied up in knot, the food cannot digest slowly and will ball up on the dog and cause what we call the stomach to roll....and that means twisted intestines, and if not caught by a vet fast, you can lose the dog very easily.I volunteer at a shelter now for 13 yrs, same shelter, have seen many dogs this has happened to.....and some they could save and some could not be, was brought in too late to help the poor babies.Our vets always tell an owner, put down the food little by little if your dog is a fast eater, then some more in about 10-15 mins to allow the food to get down then present more till the dogs meal is complete.A fast eater does not digest food well and this can cause the bloating, stomach, feed little amounts and spread out his or her meal till meal is complete, this will allow the food time to go down before presenting any more food, and continue this till the dog learns to eat can sit by the bowl, allow the dog to eat, move bowl, and let dog walk around, all the time talking to the dog, saying no, no, then in about 10 mins present some more food...this will teach the dog to eat slowergood luck and be careful with a fast eater

    • One of the contributing factors to bloat which can lead to gastric torsion is gulping large amounts of air when eating so yes eating too fast which causes gulping air can be a contributing factor. To slow down eating you can get a special food bowl designed to slow down eating. You can see on of them here can also put large (to big for the dog to get in its mouth so you don't risk him swallowing one) rocks in the food bowl forcing the dog to eat around them. Both of these will slow down eating as it forces to dog to eat around the obstructions in its bowl