what is neutropenia in dogs how is it treated can it be cured?

my dog's vet said my dog's white blood cell count is low. i want to know what that means any information you can give me will be helpful

    what is neutropenia in dogs how is it treated can it be cured?

    my dog's vet said my dog's white blood cell count is low. i want to know what that means any information you can give me will be helpful...
    General Dog Discussions : what is neutropenia in dogs how is it treated can it be cured?...

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    • what is neutropenia in dogs how is it treated can it be cured?

      what is neutropenia in dogs how is it treated can it be cured? General Dog Discussions
      my dog's vet said my dog's white blood cell count is low. i want to know what that means any information you can give me will be helpful

      what is neutropenia in dogs how is it treated can it be cured?

      what is neutropenia in dogs how is it treated can it be cured? General Dog Discussions
    • It's an abnormality of stem cells in bone marrow. It can be cured as far as I know. Here's a reputable web site for more info:http://www.healthgene.com/canine/C136.asp

    • Neutropenia means there is a low white blood cell count specifically neutrophils. These cells are in the blood and are very important in helping to fight infection. It can be the result of three major reasons. One is decreased production in the bone marrow, two if there is a major infection these cells will leave the blood to go fight the infection and three the cells are being destroyed by the body's immune response. It is most commonly associated with a major infection in the body such as a viral infection, or cancer etc. This is a problem because with decrease in these blood cells your dog can be more prone to get sick. Infectious diseases that reduce the neutrophil production in dogs include parvovirus, different bacterial infections, and a tick transmitted disease called Ehrlichia. Certain drugs can cause this problem as well. As well as cancers of the bone marrow. It can also be an inherited condition as well. So whether it can be treated and cured depends on the cause of the neutropenia.