Why do people always suggest to SPAY and NUETER?

When someone on here asks a question say if their dog is in heat or not why do people say things like: "sounds like she is in heat you need to get her to a vet ASAP and spay" and even its her first cycle they demand she is rushed to the vet even though…

    Why do people always suggest to SPAY and NUETER?

    When someone on here asks a question say if their dog is in heat or not why do people say things like: "sounds like she is in heat you need to get her to a vet ASAP and spay" and even its her first cycle they demand she is rushed to the vet even though…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why do people always suggest to SPAY and NUETER?...

    • Why do people always suggest to SPAY and NUETER?

      Why do people always suggest to SPAY and NUETER? General Dog Discussions
      When someone on here asks a question say if their dog is in heat or not why do people say things like: "sounds like she is in heat you need to get her to a vet ASAP and spay" and even its her first cycle they demand she is rushed to the vet even though she needs her hormones until she reaches maturity - ? This is not a rant i am just curiousLegit - If your dog is fixed why? If not, why not?Do you think you can be responsible and have intact dogs?

      Why do people always suggest to SPAY and NUETER?

      Why do people always suggest to SPAY and NUETER? General Dog Discussions
    • Because every 9 secs a dog is euthanized in a shelter..... The only people that should be breeding dogs are the ones who are experienced/ reputable and who's dogs have earned nations titles..ectSpaying/Neutering lessens a dog's risk of health issues like cancer by %80.LG: Fixed because I am responsible and don't want to contribute to dog overpopulation.

    • most people cannot properly handle an intact dog... expecially so when they dont even understand the reproduction cycle of the dog.Actually its healthier to spay before the first heat anyways.My dog is fixed because he is just a pet, and not my personal ATM machine.ADDEDYes its possible to keep intact dogs and be responsible about it.. reputable breeders do it every day.But when you have people asking about their dog's "period" or menstrual cycles... they obviously have no clueWhen someone is allowing a young puppy to breed, they obviously are not responsibleWhen they are allowing a young female pup, or an older female to mate, they are obviously risking the dog's lifewhen they allow dogs to "get loose" when in heat.. that is irresponsiblemost people are simply not responsible enough to keep their dogs intact.ADDEDFiona would like to know what happened to dogs years ago.For one, we did not keep "pet" dogs. Dogs were only kept for working purposes. At some point royalty may have kept dogs as pets only, but most people did not. If it couldnt work, then it was useless. Most people couldnt afford the luxury of feeding a "pet".We culled dogs years ago.. as in KILLED, today we use spay and neuter to cull.. but there was a time when pups were not given a chance to live or be pets.. nowadays we just kill them in a shelter... many breeders even culled when the pups were young. They selected one or two pups that were thought to be the best, and the rest were destroyed so that the chosen pups would have more of mom's milk to feed and grow strong.We did not have health tests way back when.. dogs were chosen based off their ability, structure and gait. If a dog had a poor gait, or a bad structure, then he likely had a health issue. If the dog couldnt perform the task efficiently that he was bred to do, then he wasnt suitable for breeding. Of course, now we have health tests available to us.. any responsible breeder would take advantage of those tests!

    • Well not getting your pet fixed could cause a lot of problems/disease. When cats are in heat, they are extremely annoying. If you do not plan to breed your pets than you should get them fixed. Also male dogs, usually if they are not fixed they will try to dominate you.My dog is not fixed yet because we have not gotten the money yet, maybe in a month or so (I've only had him for 'bout two month, he is only like 8 months old.) My cats, are both fixed

    • No need for any unwanted dogs that will only be put to sleep. A unfixed dog can get loose and mate.There is no reason to have a dog immediately fixed other than that. Although it is wise to get them fixed later in life because a female can get problems after a while, like uterus cancer.

    • Because unless you area responsible reputable breeder there is no reason to have a unspayed or un neutered dog and 6 months plus is when you would spay and neuterone of my dogs is neutered the other one is a puppy and hes has a contract which says he must be neutered so hes next

    • I do with my dogs what I please when it comes to spaying/neutering.I think in a perfect world if everyone was responsible, people would not preach this so much, however most people are irresponsible & it would be better for the whole entire situation if their dog was fixed.My Vet also told me that an intact female has an almost certain chance of developing Pyometra if not spayed by the time she is 12 years and older. I am for both spaying/neutering & leaving a dog intact as long as you know the risks & benefits & prepare to be responsible with your decision no matter what it is.

    • Well...Because people that SHOULD breed their dogs, know enough about dogs not to ask questions about "heat".So everyone that asks a question here on Y/A....SHOULD spay and neuter their pet quality dogs...since they obviously dont know anywhere near enough to EVER breed their dogs.

    • The current consensus in veterinary medicine is that early spaying or neutering does not harm the animal and does not prevent normal maturation.The reason spaying and neutering is so important is that there are many, many more dogs born than there are good homes (or even mediocre homes) for dogs.Here in my medium-sized town, last year the local animal shelter destroyed 17,000 dogs and 10,000 cats because nobody wanted them. That's an average of around 74 a day, including weekends and holidays.

    • Generally, they can get annoying if their not. Males can get aggressive and females bark, a lot, when in heat.My dog is neutered. We almost didn't have him fixed but he got aggressive to other animals and some people. Unless you're going to use your dog as a stud, I'd get him neutered. Same with getting her spayed.

    • Actually a dog's hormones do not work the same as they do in humans so it is safe and accepted practice to alter one early in life to avoid OOPS litters. If your a responsible pet owner then there is not an issue but so many can't seem to contain their dogs during heat cycles and end up with Oops litters and many of those litters end up in local pounds or rescues which sheds a bad light on anybody who has an unaltered dog so it has become accepted practice for EVERYBODY to tell YOU the dog owner to spay or neuter your dog anytime the subject comes up.

    • I'd suggest going down to your local shetler and ask them about the number of dogs puppies cats and kittens they have to put down each year. And then go over to the animal control in your city and ask them too. The shelters are full right now. People don't have jobs and are dumping their animals. These are good animals that are housetrained, but there's so few people looking to adopt that these animals are being euthenized to make room for the next ones coming in.We don't NEED more animals. There aren't enough owners to go around. The paper said today that 60% of people in the USA own a pet or pets. That's a lot, even with multiple pets, yet the surplus of animals that need homes is still huge.All mine are fixed, even the purebreds. My Siamese is not a show cat, she isn't going to be breeding pet quality Siamese or mixed kittens. My outdoor ferals are all TNR'd through the city program, they're not reproducing either.The Hormone thing was looked at by several studies, an animal can safely be spayed/neutered at a young age. The possible exceptions are the large boned, large breed dogs who would need to wait till one year of age to get past the major growing spurt.

    • The overpopulation of dogs in shelters is ridiculous. Unfortunately the average person doesn't realize the true cost of not only prenatal care needed, but the chances that either their puppies or their puppies progeny will only fuel the amount of dogs being euthanized every single day. We know it's bad to let a human go their whole gestation without prenatal care, and yet dogs are subjected to this all the time. Also, spaying and neutering helps your dog live a happy fuller life. They do not have to worry about uterine infections/pyometria, testicular cancer, etc. Also, I would never suggest to someone to get their dog spayed in the middle of their heat cycle. Spaying, while "routine", is still a surgery and the dog being in heat can add complications. Posters may not always have couth (thank you anonimity of the internet), but I think their hearts are in the right place.

    • Because so many accidental litters happen when a dog is experiencing it's first heat ( or any heat). Also,dogs that are not spayed are prone to false pregnancies,mammary tumors and pyometra,which is a deadly infection of the uterus that occurs a few weeks to months after the dog has been in heat.Legit: For all of those reasons that I just listed,and also because heats are messy. My dogs are 11 months,9 years and 13 years and were spayed at between 5 and 8 months of age,before they came into heat and they have no health problems at all from being spayed early.

    • Well, it is best and less stressful to spay your dog. You wouldn't want to find out one day that she's pregnant. Also, heat cycles can be stressful to dogs if they do not mate. Just spay her, she'll have a happier life.

    • I agree people sometimes go overboard with this, since the issue is to NOT let a dog get pregnant (or impregnate another one). The obvious fool-proof way is spay/neuter, but if it's an inside only pet then it's not something that should be typed in all caps and has to be DONE ASAP! In fact, when people have a new dog from the pound, I think the vet check/shots is far more important than an immediate spay. Personally, mine are spayed/neutered for convenience. A female dog in heat is just gross, and unneutered males hump everything in sight. My neutered yorkie humps my spayed cat, but that's probably a different question...lol

    • my dog is neutered because i got him from a rescue centre when he was 6 months and he was already neutered, hes a yellow lab he looks like your dog, my other dog isn't neutered but he will be when he is old enough, the pros outweigh the cons with neutering