What shots do dogs need before being altered?

My vet lowered their spay price to $95 and I was wondering what shots they needed.I haven't updated their 7-way recently because the ranch supply was out, but they do have their rabies.I just got my cat from their today and she got her rabies and three…

    What shots do dogs need before being altered?

    My vet lowered their spay price to $95 and I was wondering what shots they needed.I haven't updated their 7-way recently because the ranch supply was out, but they do have their rabies.I just got my cat from their today and she got her rabies and three…...
    General Dog Discussions : What shots do dogs need before being altered?...

    • What shots do dogs need before being altered?

      What shots do dogs need before being altered? General Dog Discussions
      My vet lowered their spay price to $95 and I was wondering what shots they needed.I haven't updated their 7-way recently because the ranch supply was out, but they do have their rabies.I just got my cat from their today and she got her rabies and three others, I believe, including distemper so I'm curious as to what they need before I make the appointments.Also, would it be a good idea to get them both done at the same time since they rough-house together all the time?from THERE* my bad.

      What shots do dogs need before being altered?

      What shots do dogs need before being altered? General Dog Discussions
    • My vet wanted all the standards up to date, distemper, parvo, hepatitis, parainfluenza and lepto etc. and then she gave him a bortadella too. Ask when you make the appt.

    • My vet requires them to be completly caught up and if they have to stay over nite some vets do this to keep a eye on them then you will need a keenel cough shot it it will need that I think a couple weeks before surgery.