Is it worth having a dog microchipped?

This is being suggested when we take the dog to the vet for spaying. Do most veterinarians and humane societies now scan lost animals that are brought to them? The cost is pretty reasonable so we will likely go ahead with the chip but I am just…

    Is it worth having a dog microchipped?

    This is being suggested when we take the dog to the vet for spaying. Do most veterinarians and humane societies now scan lost animals that are brought to them? The cost is pretty reasonable so we will likely go ahead with the chip but I am just…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it worth having a dog microchipped?...

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    • I recently got my dog microchipped. it really does not hurt either way if cost isn't an issue. I know that she likes to wonder and if she gets lost without her tags on then there is a chance someone might find her and take her to get identitified (if they're honest).

    • The chip will allways prove the dog is registered in your name, so if she is stolen the theif cannot claim she is theirs with the chip that reads otherwise. Same if she just gets lost, most shelters scan, and I don't think you need to be told that a collar *tag included* can be easily removed, but according to the site for the chips, the micro chip can't even be located without the scanner. Think that bits BS, though, cause we have four chipped animals, and in every one of them you can find the "piece of rice" under their skin.Yes, it's worth it.

    • The use of micro-chipping is more wide spread now than it was and will continue in popularity. It is an excellent tool! Most Humane Societies have the scanner and pounds too. Vets need to catch up.

    • Yes,my son had a German Short haired Pointer and he got out of the yard and went missing for a week. It was discovered that a girl that just moved in this area had him. She had removed his tags and if not for the people in this town that knew that Magnum belonged to my son and pictures,she may have been able to keep him. We did have to involve the Police too. So after that he got chipped. She was getting ready to move again so we found him just in time. We learned from that so our male and female Weims have been chipped too.

    • I just got back from the vet today (last set of shots for my little guy) - we arranged for him to be neutered and will have him microchipped. For the low price it's worth the peace of mind.

    • Where I am if you have a microchipped dog you get a free lifetime licence, which will save you money in the long run. If not it will cost $25 a year if your dog is only spayed or neutered and more if it is not any of the above.Also, if your dog runs away and is microchipped they will drive it back to you two times without fines (just a lecture).In the end, if your dog may run away a bunch, or it will save you money, it is a good idea. If not, it is up to you.

    • I can not stree to do it enough!!!I even have my cat microchipped.Every pet we adopt out we have it microchipped first and we microchip anyone elses dog for 10 dollars. We do it for the safety of the pet not a profit. Please microchip. If another katrina catastrophy were to happen it is your pets best chance to reunite with you.

    • Getting a microchip is not a bad idea and is easy to do when the dog is under anesthesia or awake. It never hurts to have the extra procaution but it does not guarentee that if something were to happen he will be found.Many shelters and veterinarians scan; but the problem is there is not yet a universal scanner. Most of the scanners can tell you if the dog is chipped, but if it is not of the same brand as the scanner cannot read the chip. I do not know if shelters have multiple types of scanners or not; veterinarians generally only carry 1 brand. A second benefit of the chip is that its a form of identification that is alterable- well not at this point in the game-. A tattoo can be changed, a collar can be removed; people at this point do not remove microchips.The downsids is that unless the dog is picked up and scanned at some point, there is no guarentee it will help your dog get found. As you are likely aware, it is not a GPS locator so there is no tracking that can occur.On a personal level, 2 of my 3 dogs are chipped...I admittedly forgot to have my GSD puppy chipped when she was spayed yesterday. it's on my "to do" list.

    • I have all of mine chipped and will always have it done.We hunt with our dogs sometimes not close to our home and that way they have positive proof of ownership if a problem ever arrises.I can scan the dog and prove I own it.It can help if they are lost as all shelters and most rescue groups have a scanner and can get the dogs owners info from the company.

    • Okay, I'm going to play the devils advocate here. For the record, 2 of my 3 dogs are microchipped, and the third will be when I take her in to get her hip x-rays. There are two problems with the microchip. One is that the chips can migrate. It doesn't happen real often, but I have definately heard of it. If that happens, they serve no purpose whatsoever. The other problem is I have heard of a lot of problems with the HomeAgain company, which seems to be the ones that provide most of the chips that veterinarians put in. I talked to someone who told me that they called HomeAgain to check and see if their dog was registered with them, (a year after they sent in their information), and the dog wasn't. HomeAgain told them that they actually were comprised of three different companies, and the people should have received a confirmation letter in the mail. They never received it, and had no idea their dog wasn't in the system. I have never received a confirmation either, and need to call them and look into it further. Also, I am irritated by the fact that HomeAgain only provides to vets, and not to breeders.On another note, I recently saw something about research that showed that microchips might be linked to cancer. I haven't seen anything more about it, and I don't know if there is any validity to it, but it is worth researching. For all these reasons I think I will have all my pups tatooed instead of microchipped. My adults will probably contine to be chipped, but I will switch to Avid chips.

    • im about to have my dog microchipped. I think about the same things as you.. "well, what if someone steals him, they're not going to get him scanned." But the thing is, its only about $35 and it raises the chances of you getting your dog back, so its worth it. Even if you never lose your dog.. it wasnt much of a waste knowing that you could possibly help get him back!