What are the cons of getting a dog spayed at a clinic?

I have a 6 month old female toy cockapoo. She is due to be spayed. Spaying through her vet costs upwards of $500. Our local clinic, which happens to be North Shore Animal League only charges about $100. I will never forgive myself if something goes wrong…

    What are the cons of getting a dog spayed at a clinic?

    I have a 6 month old female toy cockapoo. She is due to be spayed. Spaying through her vet costs upwards of $500. Our local clinic, which happens to be North Shore Animal League only charges about $100. I will never forgive myself if something goes wrong…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are the cons of getting a dog spayed at a clinic?...

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    • What are the cons of getting a dog spayed at a clinic?

      What are the cons of getting a dog spayed at a clinic? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 6 month old female toy cockapoo. She is due to be spayed. Spaying through her vet costs upwards of $500. Our local clinic, which happens to be North Shore Animal League only charges about $100. I will never forgive myself if something goes wrong and I was trying to cut costs. Am I just being paranoid? North Shore is very reliable and a well known clinic. What are your thoughts? Should I use North Shore or are there health and safety reasons to use the vet?

      What are the cons of getting a dog spayed at a clinic?

      What are the cons of getting a dog spayed at a clinic? General Dog Discussions
    • Do they use the same proceduresome clinic do more of a tubal rather than a hysti - that has long term implications on the dogs healthdo they use the same type of anesthesia and if that kind alright for you dogs heritage?Those two questions don't say that one is better