Why is my dog crying after spaying?

My 11-yr old dog was recently spayed and has had been crying and whining ever since. I don't think she is in pain-- she's on two kinds of pain medication and her incision looks fine. She's normally a calm, quiet dog, and her behavior has completely…

    Why is my dog crying after spaying?

    My 11-yr old dog was recently spayed and has had been crying and whining ever since. I don't think she is in pain-- she's on two kinds of pain medication and her incision looks fine. She's normally a calm, quiet dog, and her behavior has completely…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why is my dog crying after spaying?...

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    • Why is my dog crying after spaying?

      Why is my dog crying after spaying? General Dog Discussions
      My 11-yr old dog was recently spayed and has had been crying and whining ever since. I don't think she is in pain-- she's on two kinds of pain medication and her incision looks fine. She's normally a calm, quiet dog, and her behavior has completely changed. She is crying constantly, day and night. We've tried keeping her in a kennel, behavior modification, cuddling, nothing works! Please help!It has been 5 days since her surgery. They didn't give us any aftercare medication at first. Then the next day she started whining very loudly and panting so we brought her back to the vet and they gave us pain medication for 3 days, then the next day she still wasn't better so the vet gave us another additional pain/antinflammtory medication. She also has an ear infection which is being treated. There have been no drastic changes in her life lately and she has never had puppies. I hope that helps you answer.

      Why is my dog crying after spaying?

      Why is my dog crying after spaying? General Dog Discussions
    • Please don't mind me saying this but due to old age dogs lose their memory and sight and many things if she becomes aggressive and dangerous, you'll need to put her to sleep

    • What does the vet say? Most dogs will cry when in pain. There could be infection or internal problems that you can't see, or could have been complicated after surgery.I know it is expensive but as the owner it's your responciblity to at least have him re-examined. 11 is a little old.

    • I have some off the wall questions.Did she have puppies within the last year?Has she ever had Puppies?Have you had any changes in pets or household members? Like Deaths or moving away?How have the people in her daily life been reactting to this (did anyone protest, does anyone have any upset about this they are keeping quiet)?Added: Ear Infections can give Vertigo and make Pets (and some times people) feel disoriented. As strange as it sounds, that may be a very important factor. Pain Medications can cause Vertigo and Disorientation in all Animals, even Human when coupled with Anti-Inflamitories and at a strength suitable for after Surgery. [Typos and spelling errors mania]. Often with those kind of side effects one doesn't eat as much and/or vomits. You could try increaseing the Anti-Inflamitories and decreaseing the Pain Med. But there is already infection in your Dog plus they were wide open for Infections. So they may be at war with Infections right now.Whatever you do it will help to have someone constantly with your Dog that they know and Trust. Bare in mind they may have Nausia and Vertigo which are at times painful for people and animals. Make sure your Dog is haveing Plenty of Water and only takes meds after or while Eatting (the water cuts back on mind troubles and the food cuts back on organ problems while relateing to medicains). Increaseing meds with these symptoms will just make them worse or... well... they could die.Sleep is the most difficult but best soluation right now. But, try explaining that to a Dog. This may mean once your Dog is asleep you will want to spend extra time in one place so you do not disturb them or wake them. It's hard to get to sleep when your not feeling well, it's hard to heal when your sick because you haven't slept, it's hard to to calm down and eat when your like that.

    • Maybe she has some soreness from the spaying. Have you called the vet and told him of this crying. Or maybe she knows she will not have the same life as she had before she got spayed.not really! bettyk

    • If your pet just had surgery, maybe the pain meds aren't working? You may not be getting rid of ALL the pain and that means you may be dealing with some whining for a while. Have the vet check if still a major issue with meds in 24 hours. Good luck.

    • Your dog is 11 years old and from what you are saying she is in pain. 11 years is old to get spayed and she has been terrorized by the experience. Even if her incision looks okay she can be in pain, and by the fact that the vet gave you 2 kinds of pain medication is an indication that pain is the aftermath of the operation. Phone the vet and explain the situation and go with their suggestion.

    • my dog was spayed about 6 mos ago and she didnt cry as her mood there hasnt been very much except she isn't trying to get the males worked up. i would have her checked out by the vet again since not everything is visible to us and they do know what to look for. some vets have progoams in place that will allow u to bring them back in to have them re-examined without an extra cost if there is complications with the surgery.caqll ur vet and ask thier advise.